Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Wait to play the song! You'll know when to, I promise

Keith was sitting at the lunch table, staring at his food when Blue arrived. He didn't look up, favoring to stare numbly at his plate while his stomach gave a frustrated growl. He wasn't eating and he knew it wasn't good for him, but he just couldn't seem to stomach anything that he usually would. It just came right back up.

"Blue! What happened!?" Allura yelled, making Keith glance up. His eyes connected with Blue's helpless form and to say he was surprised was an understatement. There was blood leaking out of multiple scratch marks on his neck and face, and some slowly floating off of his hands. He looked tired, even though he had been sleeping until noon, purple spots under his eyes looking almost like bruises. He was hunched over as Allura and Shiro quickly pulled him over to the medic to get him healed up. It made Keith's heart twist in a way that almost had him crying.

"Blue," Keith said, his voice carrying through the dining hall with a fragile grace, "What happened to you?"

Blue looked up from the floor and quickly squashed his hands together at the palms, then put them to the side of his head. Quickly, he scrunched his face up, like something was bothering him, but then went back to normal almost immediately. Nightmare he said.

"Come on, let's get you to the healing pods," Shiro said, gently guiding Blue towards the healing bay not too far away from the dining hall. Allura followed close behind, lightly touching Blue shoulder to make sure he wasn't going to fall over.

Keith sat there in the dining hall, numb everywhere but his heart. He wanted to just sit and stew in his negative emotions and think about Lance, but he also felt a tug towards the fragile, little merman with the scars on his neck. Giving into his heart, he slowly swam up and went towards the healing room.

Inside, he saw Blue's neck and face being patched up, then he was slowly edged into one of the healing pods, which basically just looked like a teal egg with glass on the front so one could see the person inside. Blue didn't to want to, though, as he began to resist the pull of the medics towards the pod. When they finally got him pinned in,the glass came in around him, enveloping Blue in a comfort that Keith had felt multiple times. Soon enough, his eyes were closing and he fell into a deep sleep while his wounds were being patched up.

"Did he sign what he dreamed about?" Keith asked, swimming up to where Allura, Shiro, and Coran were floating in front of the pod.

"Afraid not," Coran said, stroking his mustache, "When we asked, he averted his eyes and shook his head. That was all we got out of him,"

Keith looked back at the merman in the healing pod and his whole heart fell. The monitors off to the side were showing a bunch of things that he didn't understand, but he did notice that Blue had to be in there for a few hours at least.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Keith asked, watching as Blue's face scrunched up again, "Mentally?"

"We're not sure," Allura said, swimming over to place a cautious hand on the glass of the pod, "I think he was dreaming about whatever made him mute,"

Keith glanced at her and gave her a weird face, before turning to Shiro and Coran for help. "Keith, you know as well as I do that merpeople can't be born mute," Shiro sighed, "whatever happened to him, it must've been bad, especially if he wasn't swimming right when he got here,"

Keith pondered that for a moment while they all waited. If Blue vitals were anything to go by, he was definitely having another nightmare. His fingers twitched, like he wanted to grab at something, but the pods basically shut down most of his muscles, so he couldn't.

Little Merman - Klance Mermaid AUWhere stories live. Discover now