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Name: Kryptonite
Nickname: Nite
Age: 20,000 vorns old
Gender: Femme
Race: cybertronian
Sexuality: bisexual
Mate: Open because she is single as a pringle
Offsprings: Not yet because of the war going on
Affiliation: Decepticons always be a con
Rank/Job/Occupation: Lieutenant for special ops (I think that what it called), engineer and a medic
Altmode: Yamaha YZF-R1 Yamaha FJR1300 Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R6 - Yamaha FJR1300AE EU Matt Silver Motorcycle Bike (instead of sliver just imagine it is purple and green just like in the picture of her)

Name: Kryptonite Nickname: Nite Age: 20,000 vorns old Gender: Femme Race: cybertronian Sexuality: bisexual Mate: Open because she is single as a pringle Offsprings: Not yet because of the war going on Affiliation: Decepticons always be a con Rank/...

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Weapons: Her blaster that in the picture

Personality: Funny, friendly, social butterfly, kind, helpful, loyal, protective of her teammates, sarcastic sometimes, flirty in a good way, very lay back, confidence, angry if someone decides to harm the person she cared about and even her love one, intelligent well beside from Shockwave and Soundwave.

Crush: Open

Likes: loved her friends a lot especially if it is soundwave and shockwave since they are closed before the war, helping her teammates out with their problems or not, listening to music and travel outside the nemesis, going out to a race against knockout and bee and probably smokescreen, playing with the predacon's, minicon's and a scarplet since she founds them adorable and cute, make everyone lighten up the mood.

Dislikes: Starscream, Arcee and Airachnid, being backstabbed by the one she cared, depressed if she see her ex-lovers again, when someone gossip about her badly especially if it a false, being in the nemesis to long since she is a grounder instead of a flyer or a seeker, when someone try to use her for something or her body and lastly she isn't very fond of liars or cheaters in her past.

1. Sometimes life is hard, but sometimes we make it harder than it really is.
2. DON'T QUIT. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it.
3. Be bold. Make the move and do something regardless of how much it scares you.
4. Don't underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.

Bio/info: When Kryptonite got a job as a therapist before she was been drafted into the military she was helping one of her clients who have been depressed for years, but sometimes the patients go wild and even try to harm their selves and others. But anyway as Kryptonite was heading out towards her home since she lives in the decepticon's area she was surrounded by the group of dangerous criminals as she was half a mile away from her home. Kryptonite doesn't know how to fight or defend herself from them until a huge mech decides to step up and fight against them the groups of criminals after the fight kryptonite hesitating and walk up to the mech who have saved her life the mech turned around slowly as he have an autobot insignia shown on his chassis as Kryptonite looked shocked but she smiled at him. She thanked him for saving her life as he nods back at her softly but hasn't say anything, so nite decided to introduce her self to him as he did the same (you guys no what is gonna happen next). (Time skip a few years later because I'm lazy to type) Kryptonite and Ultra Magnus was in a close relationship and they love each other so much but magnus doesn't seemed to show it since he is to stubborn and thinks it is out character of his self. But in the inside he does admitted it about the relationship and love, until one day Kryptonite was out somewhere as she decided to buy something for magnus since their anniversary is coming up in a few days so kryptonite saw something that catch's her attention and buy it (I don't know what to think of it) after she bought it she heads home to see magnus but as she arrived in her home she walk in and heard a moan. She became curious and followed the moan which leads her to her room so she slowly open the door and peaked and gasp loudly which caused to get magnus and the femme attention towards to Kryptonite who open the door widely, Kryptonite felt the tears was escaping from her optics as she saw magnus was on top of the strange femme naked but also fragging her. Ultra magnus shot up and try to explain say 'it is not what think of' but kryptonite then ran up to him and slap him and ran out of her own home and dropping the presents that she bought for ultra magnus which he gently grab it from the ground and look at it. (Few months later again) Kryptonite was drafted into the military she became the head of the special operations due to saving people life's and her teammates, her strategies, her tricks and even more. One day she was set to go on a solo mission to a place that was abandoned but it was covered in scraplet's and turbo fox's, she walk around carefully and also looking at her own surroundings carefully and closely as she was on high guard but she heard a soft but small tap on the ground but she quickly jump a bit in surprise as she see a baby turbo fox that been abandoned from its pack, normally the turbo fox would kill them but when it come to nite she doesn't want to see any creature that dies especially the young ones and so she decided to adopt them and also raise them and tamed him until he become adults, as she finishes her mission and bring along Turbo the turbofox. Kryptonite see turbo injured and was slowly lose energon from his body so nite rushed over to them and repair him quickly and steady. After she finishes repairing him. He look up to her and nod at her as he was "thanks you". But Kryptonite bring turbo back to the base as she did have to explain to her teammates and also her commanders about it so they let him stay with unless he is behaving properly, tamed and some other things.
The end

Extra: She used to date with ultra magnus but not anymore due to he cheated behind her back plus he is very strict and want Kryptonite to follow his rules but couldn't. And also she can be a hand full when ever it comes to fighting against the autobot's especially her ex lover.

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