Chapter Eight

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When I woke up, again, it was at though lunch bell...damn was i really out for the long. I get down from the bed only to trip on a note that Jose left that said: "Hey buddy, I'd like to talk to you in private. Meet me at the door neear the other door that goes to the lunch room. This is VERY serious"

"mhmmmmmmmmmm yea isn't that the...faculty room?"

I slowly walk out of the room and down the stairs but I triped and tumbled the rest if the way down. Some werewolves laughed at me then I just snarled at them and got up. After the "great and happy" trip down the stairs, I went over to the faculty door but nobody was there, so I looked around and went inside and came into the most DISGUSTING scent in the planet. I covered my, now, muzzle with my paw and then, I saw what i had never hoped to see in my life...a dead...werewolf...corpse. My eyes and mouth open wide then I yelled out


Jose came up vehind me and started to say something like "We found him like that and" I didn't catch anymore of if cause...I MAY have K.O.ed him with an uppercut.

"Oh shnitzle...I TOLD YOU NOT TO SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT. Ugh what a GREAT way to start a day."

I start to examine the corpse's body and notice a good 1.34 in. Blade mark on his rib. The victim obviously tried to get to the voice over that was sitting on his desk, now on the floor. Then there was the knife he pulled out if him, what a stupid mistake, but it was on the other side of the room. So he tried to throw it at the suspect but it failed. Then i here the door ratle and i freeze out of fear and one of the teachers walks in on my investigation and screems, then she takes me to another room that was like those interrogation rooms in the movies. I have my tail inbetween my legs as I whimper constantly. The teacher steadies her voice and says:

"What happened to the big bad wolf. . ."

"First: whos that. Second I was invited to look at the corpse by my dormmate, I even have the note. And after that I was lookin' at the corpse andthe room to see what happened, then you came in, startled me, and then accused me of somethin' I didn't do. And besides. I dont even have the skill to kill, so ha."

I sat there with a smug look on my face as the teacher looks at me, blankly

"...uhhh wow ok um sorry. It seems you know better then I at this sorta thi-"

Some shouting comes from outside of the door and i just sigh in a reaction

"May I PLEASE go?"


I left the room as fast as i could but she stayed there. I saw a HUGE grey wolf with blood all over its body and muzzle with a limp wolf pup in its muzzle


I panished a lil and te a deep breath and clised my eyes...which was the worst thing to do. I got picked up by the wolf by savage wolf by the scruff and it blasted out of the door with me and at the end of the fog...was a cliff. I layer realized that it was an island, that was floating. Great. Then the wolf jumps of and i start screaming like a lil girl who just saw The movie it.

The wolf tranformed into a human but I REALLY didn't wanna open my eyes. I huged the human tightly and I felt alot of muscles and warm and comforting body. I started to cry as I thought I was gonna die at the drop. I then gather up the courage to look at the human holding me and it was...

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