🔪Chapter 1: Aurora (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 09/20/2021

Updated on: 05/10/2023


Aurora's POV


I heard a voice. I'm probably still dreaming. The voice sounds familiar.


I realized that voice is Mom's voice. I open my eyes, my vision is a bit blurry.

"Aurora, time to wake up, sweetie." Mom said.

"Hmm... " I groaned, gently rubbing my eyes. " Morning Mom."

"Morning sweetie. Time to get ready for school. " She said, kissing my forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept alright." I said, before I let out a yawn. 

"That's good to hear. Get yourself ready while I take care of Toby. You don't wanna be late for school." She said before she left the room.

I get off the bed and stretch for a while. Then I grab my towel and head inside my bathroom.

As I stepped into the bathroom, I slightly shivered as my feet made contact against the cold and pure white tiled floor. I take off my clothes and I step into the shower, feeling the cold atmosphere.

I turn the faucet on and I can feel warm water droplets hitting my body and sometimes I like to imagine that I was standing still in the rain. 

After taking a warm shower, I stepped out of the shower and  I wrapped the towel around my body, and head back to my room, drying myself.

I pull out my clothes for today from my clothes and I slip into something simple but comfortable.

I continue drying my hair and comb it until I got every strand nice and untangled. I put my hairbrush down and I pull out my necklace from my jewelry box and put it on.

I still wear the necklace everyday and I started wearing it the day after he died at the hospital. It's been six years and I miss him everyday but I know he's in a better place, watching over us.

I snapped out of my thoughts and I grab my phone and my backpack then I head downstairs.

I enter the dining room and I saw Toby eating his breakfast while Mom pours herself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Aurora!" Toby greeted me with the cutest and biggest smile on his face.

"Good morning Toby," I said as I ruffled his dirty blonde hair and I sit down.

I look down at my plate and looks like today's menu is waffles for breakfast.

"Now hurry and finish up. You don't want to be late for school, right?" Mom said before she takes a sip of her coffee.

"Okay, Mom. " I said, grabbing a fork and a knife and start eating my breakfast.

I finished up and I pick up my plate and Toby's plate and put them into the sink and wash them.

After washing them, I set them aside to dry on the dish rack. I dry my hands with a towel and I grab my backpack and Toby's lunchbox from the counter and I head outside.

I get in the car and I close the car door. "Toby, you forgot your lunchbox. " I said as I hand it to him.

"I'm sorry. " He apologized. He even apologizes for the smallest things even though he doesn't have to.

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