🔪Chapter 5: The Big Day (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 09/20/2021

Updated on: 02/07/2023

Aurora's POV

Today is the big day. Everything goes according to plan. I have to admit the dress feels a bit uncomfortable and the heels are killing me but at least it's only for a few hours. Mom and Mr. Anderson, said their vows as they put on their wedding rings.

It's weird to call him Dad but I think I'll only call him Dad when I'm ready.

"Do you Elizabeth take John as your lawful wedded husband till death do you part?"

"I do."

"And do you John take Elizabeth as your lawful wedded wife till death do you part?"

"I do."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you... husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

John puts the veil over on top of my mother's head and they lean in for a kiss.

Once their lips are locked, everyone claps and it's official. We're becoming one happy family. Seeing that smile on my Mom's face makes me happy too.


After the wedding ceremony, it's on to the reception. Mom made reservations at a beautiful nature park not too far from the church. We get off the white car and headed inside, on our way to the garden, where the reception was being held.

On our way, I really need to go to the restroom.

"Steven," I spoke. "Could you look after Toby for a while? I need to use the restroom."

"Yeah, sure." He said.

"Thanks," I said.

Steven holds Toby's hand and I left.

"Excuse me," I call the attention of a waiter. "Is there a restroom nearby?"

He told me the directions and I head off. After walking straight and taking a left turn, I found the girl's comfort room. I twist the doorknob and enter. Its walls are painted white and there are vases full of roses, I can smell the sweet aroma around the room.

I head inside into one of the bathroom stalls, lock it and do my business.

After doing my business, I flush the toilet, unlock the door and walk out of the stall.

I turn the faucet on, wash my hands, turn off the faucet, and grab some tissues to dry my hands.

I throw the tissues away and I look at myself in the mirror once again before leaving the room and heading back. I took a right turn but then I bumped into somebody.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was-" I look up, and just as I was about to finish my sentence, I realized it was only Steven.

"Oh Steven, sorry that I bumped into you. What were you doing here?"

"Your Mom asked me to look for you and now... here we are." He said, letting out a laugh.

I let out a nervous laugh since it was getting a little bit awkward here. I cleared my throat and open my mouth again.

"Well, should we head back?"

He nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

 Then we head off and enter the garden before the reception starts.

Two hours have passed since the reception started. Everyone is having a great time. I was just talking to some guests and I search around the area for my Mom. I spotted her with Mr. Anderson, talking to some guests and they look so happy together and I guess this is for the best. I just want my Mom to be happy and see her putting a smile on her face.

"Aurora!" I look around to see who's calling for me. Then I realized it was just Toby, running towards me.

"Hey, Toby!" I got down to his level and carry him. "Having fun so far?"

He nodded. "Yeah, and I can't wait to eat! I'm hungry." He pouted.

I giggle at his cute pout and place a kiss on his cheek. "We'll eat soon.  Wanna go see the pretty flowers and play for a little while?" I asked.

"Okay." He said and I put him down. Then he spotted a yellow butterfly and starts following it. I let out a soft giggle and follow him.

After what felt like thirty minutes, we return to our table and sit down. Then the emcee told us that it was time to eat so I help Toby to get off his seat and get some food.

Once we have our food, we head back and enjoy our food. I look at Toby and he already made a mess. He has spaghetti sauce all over his mouth. I grab a handkerchief and wipe it off.

"Woah, slow down Toby. You have sauce all over your face. " I said as I finished wiping the sauce off of his face.

"I'm sorry." He said before taking a bite of a meatball.

"It's fine," I said before continue eating. "Just eat slowly."

I look up at Steven, who's sitting across from me, I give him a small smile and gesture for him to eat his food. He smiles and shakes his head before starting to eat.

So far, I think everything is going fine.

Steven's POV

'Now that Aurora and I are going to be living under the same roof, which is still my roof, she'll have to follow my rules, not just Dad's rules. We just have to wait and see."


Hey! Sorry that I haven't update anything lately but now here it is!

And also, I'm sorry if this chapter is a little bit too crappy. It's been so long since the last time I'm part of a wedding so there are just some things I couldn't describe in writing and I really don't know how weddings work haha.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will be a new one coming soon!

That's all.


Edited on: 09/20/2021

Updated on: 02/07/2023

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