🔪 Chapter 16 Part 1: Halloween Party (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 09/21/2021

Updated on: 05/10/2023

Aurora's POV

It's been two and a half weeks since the incident of Mr. Davies and we got ourselves a new English teacher, Miss Grimes, and she's okay. Actually, she's great than that sick pervert.

Last week before they take away all of the flowers (from the school and teachers, and some of us found it weird) and other things from the gym, someone or a group of students vandalized everything and a wall was being spray-painted red, and it has the following words; "PERVERT", "SICK", "MENTAL", "P*DOPHILE".

Apparently, the school found out that a group of students did it and they got suspended. And they finally believed the rumors about Mr. Davies and some have mixed feelings about it and some were disgusted and/or shocked.

What's even more fucked up is when we found that he had a wife and a daughter. Some students stated that he kept on taking off his wedding ring everyday.

Miss Grimes just continues writing down on the board while explaining and I just have my head placed on my palm while doodling thousands of spirals on my notebook. I glance at my watch wrapped around my wrist and in three, two, one...


The bell rang and Miss Grimes dismissed the class as everyone stood up from their seats and leave the room. I throw my bag over my shoulder and I walked out of the room with Heather and Eddie. The school hallway looks different today. 

Along the walls are balloons of the colors purple, orange, and black pinned on with cheap tacks. Posters hanging here and there, with the words; 'RICHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL HALLOWEEN PARTY TONIGHT!' in big caps, the color orange.

Tonight is the Halloween Party and everyone seems to be hyped about it. Laughter sounds along the halls joined with exciting conversations and shouts. The halls became crowded as always while we're on our way to our lockers. We approached our lockers at last and we open them, putting our stuff in.

"Are you guys ready for the Halloween party tonight?" Eddie asked.

"We haven't picked our costumes for the party and this is like so last minute to prepare... if it weren't for all of the homework and tests we've been through," Heather said. 

As I was about to open my mouth to speak, all of the sudden, my locker got slammed and I averted my gaze to see Tamara.

I'm surprised that she hasn't picked on me and Heather in a while. And by the look on her face, I can tell she's a bit pissed about Lucas' "crush" on me.

"What do you want Tamara?" I asked. 

She scoffed followed by an obnoxious chuckle, flipping her curly brown hair before opening her damn mouth.

She hated me ever since her breakup with Lucas and she knew all about Lucas' "longtime crush" on me and she would just pick on me here and there. 


She used to be friends with Heather since elementary but Heather realized that she was only fake towards her and Heather became bitter about it but she moved on from it. I don't know much about it though. In other words, we hate her guts.

"So Aurora, were you hitting on my ex-boyfriend these past days? And planning to fuck him tonight?" She said in a loud voice that catches everyone's attention and I'm quite disappointed that there's no fucking adult around here. 

Believe me how much I want to slap her right here, right now. But I'm better than that. I told her a thousand times that I have no special feelings towards Lucas and I don't even like him. 

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