Chapter 4

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Tyler and Jayden rushed over to me and when Jayden touched my hip he gasped and pulled away. Then I looked at his hand and saw it was covered in MY blood. I looked down and realized I had been shot in the hip by the guy who saw me light on hour ago? Jayden stuck out his hands and I saw a green light come out of them and find its way to the bullet wound. I watched the bullet float out of me while feeling nothing and watched the blood go away and the hole close, only leaving a small mark. I got up and hugged him, I leaned over to his ear and whispered "Can I get revenge?" He just sighed and shook his head, "Fine..."

"YES!" And I ran out and used my heat seeker to find him. I watched a red circle come from my body and get bigger and bigger until it found him and led me in the right direction. Once I found him I shoved him into a long alley in the dark and lit myself on fire. And walked towards him, "Why did you shoot me 'sir'?" He backed into a corner and pulled out his gun, which I just burned with my mind...whoopsie! I held out my hand and gave him a nice, big burn in the same spot he shot me. It got to second degree and would've been a 3rd degree burn if someone hadn't walked by making me stop to keep me from getting back home. I walked back home, but I didn't speed because I really didn't want to get sick again. I walked in the door. "Wow, revenge is under rated that felt great! Haha." I said out loud to both guys. They just laughed and shook their heads jokingly. "So what did you guys mean by 'fire type' and 'healing type'?"

"Well you got your powers based on fire, so your a fire type. Meaning that you love being destructive and getting revenge. Also love to use your powers and are generally brave and confident. Meanwhile Tyler is a water type, so he can do the same things you can but with water. Water types are also pretty confident and are quieter than fire types. But they are a lot of fun once you get to know him. Me? I'm a healer. Meaning I can heal any wounds in a matter of time. Like you saw my do when you got shot, but us healing types are very out going as I like to say but other people call it a 'one-upper' and we are more on the Intelligent side than any other groups. Also fire types eyes change color to their moods."

"Are there any other types?"

"Well there is






And all around magic types but there are some who mastered them all. There is also a type that is very rare which is 'Enchanting type' and no one knows what it does! " He said, very excited to share his information. "Were you you guys born with your powers?" I asked.

"Well duh, weren't you?" Oh no...

"No..." They both gasped. "But...BUT THEN HOW IS IT POSSIBLE YOU HAVE ANY POWERS AT ALL!" Jayden yelled. "Well...You see my dad was very 'abusive' and one night he told me to go outside and come back in two hours and if I was late I was in huge trouble. I got soaked and was back thirty minutes late, so when I got home he wrapped a metal chain around me and chained me to a metal flag pole. And lightning struck the pole and I passed out and when I woke up I was sore and the chain was busted off. Later that I day I ran from him. And Tyler found me!"

Jayden ran into the other room and grabbed a notebook and started writing in it. I looked over and saw that he was writing my story exactly the way I said it, no mistakes. He has a really good memory! He signed it off as a letter to 'Professer' and tapped the book once and mumbled something and tapped the book twice more and it disappeared in mid air. I stared at where the book once was and looked at Jayden and did that back and forth for a while before he said, "I have a 'special' notebook that passes letters between me and certain people."

"Who's 'Professor'?" I asked. He just looked at me and said blankly, "The professor of Merlin's School of Magic and Sorcerey" and suddenly the notebook reappeared and dropped into his laps and he opened to a book with old fashioned cursive hand writing. "We have to bring you to the school tomorrow!" And with that we decided to go to bed anticipating a BIG day tomorrow.

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