Chapter 5

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Emlyn's POV

I woke up the next morning to water hovering over me and Tyler standing at the foot of my bed controlling it. I screamed to make sure he knew I was awake, which made him jump and sling the water back into his hand.

"YOU KNOW WHAT WATER DOES TO ME!!" He looked guilty for a second, "I wasn't actually going to drop it on you. I knew you would sense it and wake up!" He threw a bag at me and walked out yelling "GET DRESSED!" I opened the bag and saw there were jeans, and a black tank top with a fire designed crop top to go over it and my black converse high tops.

Once I was dressed I went to brush my teeth. I turned the faucet on and the water came pouring out. And as I moved my hand towards it, the water moved slightly towards my hand. I jumped and moved my hand back, making the water go back to its normal, straight downwards stream.

I moved both my hands towards the water and focused, and moved my hands towards the left wall. The water lifted out of the sink and splashed up against the wall. I dried it up quickly, I didn't expect that too happen, at all! It was just like Tyler's magic. Out of curiosity, I raised up my pointer finger and tested out my fire magic, and it worked! On top of my finger flickered a little flame, almost like one a match would make. I was a bit surprised I could control both. Is that normal? I'll have to ask Jayden.

I finished brushing my teeth and hair, and made my way back into the living room. "JAYDEN?!" He came rushing into the living room concerned as usual. "What's wrong?!" I took a deep breath before raising my hand towards a flower pot with water in it. I lifted the water out and made it swirl in the air, and made it go back in the pot. Meanwhile with the other hand, I was holding a flame in the palm of my hand.

Jayden stared in astonishment as Tyler, who I didn't know was here until now, stood wide-eyed by the doorway of the room. "We need to get you to the school. NOW!" Tyler screamed. Jayden grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door and we started running and I didn't know where we were going!

We got to an ally and it was a dead end. We were standing in front of a brick wall. "Did we got the wrong way or something? Da fuq?!" I screamed at the two of them, and they just shook there heads and laughed. Tyler picked me up bridal style and started running towards the brick wall, so, of course I started screaming for my life! Before I knew it we hit the wall, or, should have.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head from Tyler's chest, and noticed we were in a building and everyone was wearing matching cloaks with the school name on it. Tyler put me down and I looked around, Jayden grabbed my hand and led me to a painting and tapped a few places on the picture. then he grabbed a side and pulled it open like a door, and we walked through.

There was waiting a man, he was wise-looking and seemed to be about in his 40's. He had a little bit of a beard but it didn't come down far. He had brown hair and electric blue-green eyes. "Ah, so this is the Emlyn you say was born without powers, got electrocuted, obtained fire powers and was found by Tyler?" Jayden just nodded and Tyler smiled and looked down. "It's gotten worse since yesterday, when I wrote to you professor!"

"How so?"

"She now not only has fire powers professor, she has the opposite of fire now too! She has water and fire powers!"

"This is highly rare, not heard of, but also not impossible." The professor furrowed his eyes brows and walked back to his desk and say down. He pulled out a book labeled 'RECORDS AND UNUSUAL EVENTS" and started writing in it. He finished it, and then put it back I'm it's place. "I'm going to need you to show me your powers. He lit the fire place and filled a pitcher of water and placed it in front of me. I used one hand and made the water circle around the room and with my other hand I made the fire circle the room just an inch under the water cycle. The professor looked amazed and stared at the elements doing laps around the room. "This is a whole new magic, you may evolve. This great of a power can be used greatly, but you must be responsible." I began feeling nervous for the future and enemies to come.

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