360 14 17

The world had teeth and it could bite you with them anytime it wanted." 

Stephen King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon


"Now you kids be safe now," Elsie kissed both of Ringo's cheeks, plump fingers squeezing her son's upper arms protectively. "Don't talk to suspicious people, don't drink before driving, do not pick up hitchhikers unless you want to end up like your aunt Katie!"

"Yes mum," Ringo gave her one last hug. He was torn between staying in the embrace a little longer or jumping into the van the second it arrives. "I love you."

"I love you too, hon." Her blue eyes welled up with tears, a sniff escaping her. "My baby boy's all grown up, going on his first road trip."

The nineteen-year-old gave her a grin. "Damn right I'm grown up!" He laughed when she smacked his arm.

"Grown up or not, I'll still lecture you!" She tutted. "This is what happens when you befriend the Lennons, you become a potty mouth."

A familiar honk reached Ringo's ears. Speak of the Devil.

"They're here mum!" He kissed her quick on the cheek before running down the steps, red converse crushing scattered petals and dead leaves.

"Don't forget to call!" Elsie called after him.

"I won't! John! Hey, John!"


"John!" Ringo shouted, trying his best to maneuver through the snake-like roots that curled about in every step he took. The only light permitted was of the moon, unhelpful due to the fact it made the forest far more terrifying with how every single shadow looked suspicious. "John, goddamit! Where are you?!"

The tears he had been holding back started flowing in endless streams, making the small cuts on his face sting. But the pain was nothing compared to the way his chest started sinking unto itself. He forced himself to go on, ignored the heightening pain in his foot and trudged forward.

"John!" He wrapped his arms around himself, blue eyes desperate and quickly switching back and forth for any sign.

He jerked to a stop, terror gripping him like a fist around his neck when he saw deep cuts on the trees. He reached out and the moment his fingertips touched the edges of the marks he recoiled. Was it from a bear? Was it from a weapon? Was it from the horrible god the villagers preached?

There's something in this place-

"John! John please!" He sobbed, throat aching and mouth trembling uncontrollably. "I can't do this without you! John, fuck, where the fuck are you?!"

1 2 3 4 5-

His guts churned and he shut his eyes tight, trying to devour air that couldn't seem to register in his lungs. He felt eyes all around him, mad, dilated eyes waiting for the kill, waiting for him to break and be at his worst, concrete walls closing in on him and forcibly crushing every bit of his body.

- 6 7 8 9 fuckfuckFUCK I'M GOING TO DIE HERE-

Someone touched his sides and Ringo whirled around, letting out a choked gasp as leaves crunched under slow footsteps.


No reply. Was he injured?

"Johnny... i-is that you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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