Training day. -2-

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Its another day, no, it's a training day, a Wednesday, damn those trainings are strict.

Izuku was on his sit waiting for Aizawa to day the magic word: its training day. And so he did.

Deku's p.o.v:

-welp, time to talk to lid- ilda?

-ilda was talking to tokoyami! What a betrayal, well that only leaves me to one person...

Aizawa: make pairs, because we are going to train.

Deku slowly approaches Ochaco, which seemed to be spacing out-

Deku gave a slight touch on Ochaco's arm and... she freaks out!

O:"IMAWAKE" she'd almost scream, damn what was she thinking about?

D:"Ah! I'm so sorry- I didnt mean to-" alright in my book apologising works, so imma use that-

O:"Oh, deku- you gave me a scare back there- is this a team-work?" she seemed relaxed pretty quickly damn, but yeah how can I say that ilda betrayed me and choose tokoyami over me-

D:"um.. indeed,, do you- mind being my p-partner?" godammit, my voice broke in mid-sentence, congratulations izuku you ruined your whole carrier.

O:"Dont pressure yourself Deku, you know I will do it," she smiled again, gosh that smile is pretty,,

D:"Thank you," I smiled back, why do I feel like kazuichi souda ( dangan stans gotta understand :) but anyways, I felt happy.

20 mins later
they have their costumes on and mentally prepare themselves to do some training

Awaiza: Izuku and Uraraka, you will batlle against Jirou and Kaminari, goodluck.

the battle starts and it goes something like this:

Jirou used her earplugs and plugged on a wall so she could hear footsteps of the opposite team, what she didn't know is that Ochaco and Izuku where levitating, so no footsteps, they prepaired themselves to execute a sneak attack that would immobilized the others without harming them. And that's how that went, with no major casualties they won the fight.

Awaiza: You two, good job on using your head on a combat once, the floating strategy is pretty sneaky, since your opponent cant hear you. Well next up cames an interesting duo, Bakugo and Todoroki, good luck with that.

Deku's p.o.v:

Ochaco seemed very content with this, though when Awaiza said that she'd fight kacchan, her face dropped from happily to frightened, is she.. okay?

I slightly touched her shoulder,
"Are you okay, Ochaco-chan?"
... nothing she didn't even answer. She seemed paralyzed, I touched her shoulder again, applying this time I used tiny bit of strength.

U:"I'm very awake, thank you." Her voice seemed serious, was she lost in thought? or maybe was the fight she had with him-

D:"Ochaco-san, are you,, upset about him-" I'd gave a small sigh at the end, I don't want her to enter the battlefield like this, so she wont be able to defeat him.

silently, she'd nod.

"If you want to show him, no, everyone that you are worth everything you got to show them, I will be by your side supporting you." God izuku did you call your interior Shakespeare, that was deep, but I hope she feels better..

Ochaco looked to me in the eyes, and gave me a tight hug, I hugged her back and we stayed like that for a good 10s and now it's time...

It's time to defeat him...

I'm not gonna kill him chill damn...

They would enter the battle ground, it was an open space, this doesn't give Ochaco much opportunities but she'd would try. Bakugo would rush to deku preparing an explosion on his hand, Deku with his reflexes jumped up, and this was a perfect opportunity to Ochaco, to touch him on his back and set him flying,,, unless Todoroki didn't rush towards Ochaco, he was preparing his ice side to make Ochaco congealed, but she touched herself and flew, By this time Deku was already on the ground preparing himself to use a Detroid Smash on the ground, this would startle Bakugo and Todoroki, and give Ochaco the opportunity she wanted since the start of the battle,



Perfect, Ochaco could now use the gigantic rocks, and after that she did,

(That's the real name of it-)

The rocks were so fast, that both didn't had time to react- boom, they were both on the ground,

Awaiza: Team Izuku and Uraraka,,,won.

O:" Release,,," , she'd slowly fell, took a deep breath,, and came towards me.

O:"Thank you,, Izuku," She'd give this gigantic smile, I felt warm inside..

I approached her, and hugged her, she did the same. Meanwhile we heard the rest of the U.A clapping at us,,

What a day.

(Teehee what did yall think about my fightttsss)

on our way back home. ▪izuocha▪ >rewritten <Where stories live. Discover now