▪on our way back home ▪ [final]

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after a few exausting hours later,, our love-birds find themselves at the front gate.
they awkardly look at eachother and Izuku decides to breal the ice.

I: "Ah, Ochaco-chan. Lets head to my place?" his voice broke a little but he continued.
O: "Of course~" Ochaco seemed pumped! they both took a bus and went to izuku's place

▪Izuku's place •afternoon•▪

They were on the doorstep of the house, Izuku rang the bell and Inko rushed to open the door.

Inko: "coming~"

Inko opens the door and sees Izuku and Ochaco, smiling like little children

Inko:" Oh! you should be the pretty gravity girl, my son talks so much about! im inko, izuku's mother. Please come in- its cold outside!"

Izuku was pure red at the moment, woah did his mother just say that? damn...
both of them enter the house-

O:"So you talk about me? haha~ that's interesting."
Inko:"Welcome sweety, make yourself at home."
O:"thank you, miss Inko. Deku you never told me your house was so pretty!
I:"oh it didn't came to the topic haha.."

Inko:"alright,, you two have fun while i make dinner,, ill call you when its done."

they both nodded and went upstairs to izuku's room.

Izuku's room was very clean, and completely average for a school boy. Although there was an All Might figurine that Izuku forgot to remove. As they enter the room Ochaco notices immediately the figurine and inspections it.

O:"woaaah!! is this an deluxe all might figurine series 1?" Ochaco seemed surprised and so was Izuku.
I:"you also collect them too?" he giggles, not beliving that she actually knew that.
O:"Not really, i don't have the budget for them, but i saw them on stores." Ochaco was kind of sad, thats a shame..

I:"I see,,," Izuku had an idea on his mind, he knew what he was gonna do.

they would work together for a while, until Izuku acidentally drops a paper, Ochaco and Izuku both reach for it and acidentally ~touch hands~ ...

they been like that for a minute or so, they didn't remove their hands yet,, wierd. Izuku was staring st Ochaco and she just gave him a curious glance. Suddently Izuku tries to get his hand closer to her's making them almost ●hold hands●. Ochaco is intiged but goes along with it.

I:"...hey Ochaco-chan, do you mind- er.. this?
O:"Oh- um not at all!"
I:"Then,, can i ask you something?"
O:"Of course, Izuku!"
I:" Ochaco,, i- really l-"
Inko: Dinner time~

izuku staied silent, but he didn't gave up so soon, he had an idea.
they both headed downstairs and went to eat some great cooking from Inko. she cooks amazingly well.

▪some time later

:"Dammn that was deliciousss~"
Inko:"im glad you liked it."
I:"Hey some ice cream would be great- Ochaco i know a man who sells ice cream, its delicious-"
Ochaco nodded, and they went grab the ice cream

as they arrived they saw lots of couples around, but they focused on the icecream.

mister cream: two ice creams for the lovely couple~
Ochaco and Izuku blushed, but didnt say anything, Deku pays for the ice cream and they made their way back to izuku's house.

I:"hey umm- i have a gift for you,," Izuku slowly removed an All-Might figurine from his pocket. Ochaco's eyes shined-
O:"Woah woah woah- am i seeeinnngg this right- im getting the Series 1 all-might figurine??" she'd jumped up and down like a little kid, but she shook her head and came back to normal,
O:" I mean um,, Izuku are you sure- this is a rare collection- i dont want to--"
she is cut off by izuku that is smiling-
I:"Its nothing really..."

Ochaco took the figurine and carefully placed it in her bag

O:"Thanks Izuku, this means a lot to me.."

izuku stops walking and turns to Ochaco.

I:"Hey. Ochaco... i have something to tell you.."
O:"Ah is this the continuation of the room thing? sure go ahead."
I:"Ochaco-chan, i need to be real with you. Since i met you i love you more than anything. you are the one that makes me laugh when im sad. you are my light at the end of the tunnel. basically i love you.

tears start to form on Ochaco's eyes. and she hugs izuku's torço.
O:"YES YES!" Izuku hears, her voice was stuffled because she was crying but he understood it,
O:" I love you too!"


Hey peeps well i hope you enjoy the end of this.


Jk but guys thank you so much for all the support after all this years.

on our way back home. ▪izuocha▪ >rewritten <Where stories live. Discover now