Stupid job

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"Bloody hell! Can no one get me a butter beer around here?" Draco yelled "Are you all a band of stupid bloody baboons?" Draco was having a bad day at work, there were bills to pay and documents to address and letters to send out. With most of the owls already out, it was hard to get anything done.

"Granger!" Draco yelled at his second in command.

"Granger!" he yelled again, making the freshmen scatter.

"What, Malfoy?" Hermione sighed, coming around the corner.

"Have you got me that report from the head of the vampire clang of London, yet?" Draco asked, and not in a polite voice.

"De Quinces?" (Infernal devises character) Hermione said.

"Yes" she said again impatiently before she walked out of his office..

"Granger!" Draco yelled again.

No reply.

"Granger you filthy mudblood, come back here this instant, before I fir-"

SMACK! Hermione thunderd back to his office and gave him a wack with the back of her hand.

"What the fuck was that for you bitch?" Draco yelled in anger "That hurt"

"That was for calling me a mudblood!"

She yelled red faced. "And this is for bossing me about like your bitch" WALLOP! Another smack right in the gob. "If you want the report get your bitch of a secretary!" she yelled in his face. "Right now I'm on my lunch break, I was going to give you that report before but after you calling me a 'filthy mudblood', now you have to wait for me to come back" Hermione thunderd out of his office with her shoes clipping on the marble floor.

"Damn, that Granger's got a attitude" Draco mumbled to himself "and a nice arse too" he thought, while recounting her walking out of his office, with those swaying hips in those shoes that made her legs look like a models.

"No, no more thinking about Granger, need to finish these... And before the stupid office party Shantelle organised"


"If that bastard thinks I will do everything for him, he's got another thing coming" Hermione complained to Ginny. They were eating at a local wizarding café, Hermione moaning to Ginny about Malfoy like always.

"Look, don't worry about him, just ignore the brat" Ginny said, trying to give some words of advise while drinking her coffee (Hermione introduced her coffee when she first started working in London, she quite liked it)

"How can I ignore him!? All he does is nag, nag, shout, shout, yell,yell. He's a dickhead!" Hermione said for the fourth time that hour. "All he cares is what type of blood you have, what was your role in the war etc"

She signed."His father invested in me because he wanted the Malfoy name to come back up in to the ranks after the war, all Draco does is try to get me fired!"

"Well why don't get some revenge?" Ginny suggested. But the evil grin on her face scared Hermione.

"How?" Granger asked, in a nervous voice, Ginny's way of revenge always included something sexual.

"Well it involves him... Naked, tied up in a bed, you in a very tight corset, A powerful aphrodisiac, some post orgasm tourture, and there we go, sweet revenge in the making... "

Authors note: This is such a cringe to read over omf, I'm so sorry you had to witness this. I'm sticking it here tho for those of you who actually want to read this.

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