The party

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Music was blasting out, the drinks in their glasses were vibrating to the beat of the music, alcahol everywhere. Perfect for some revenge...
"Ginny, I don't really think this is a good idea..." Hermione gushed nervously.

"Don't be ridiculous, look he's half drunk already!" It was true, Draco was staggering by the bar, laughing at the wall.
"Yes but what if he fires me‽ I could lose my job over this Ginny!"

"Again, stop being ridiculous! So what if you get fired! Anyone would recruit you! The great wizarding war heroine!"


Being drunk was the beast! You could do whatever you want and no one would think your crazy. Too be fair Draco very rarely got drunk, he liked to drown himself in a numb high of alcohol whenever he was stressed. And today he was stressed.

In his drunken high, a very nervous, sexy, hot girl came up to him, with an arse only one person could have,Granger.

"Well hello Granger" he slurred while trying too aim his forearm on the bar... But missed, and spilt his drink over his front.
"Shit" he said while Hermione grabbed some napkins to clean up the firewiskey. "Shit, stupid bar moving from me!"he mumbled.

"Don't worry Malfoy, I'll get you another one" Hermione said, before asking the bartender to get another one on her expense.

"No, it was the bar's fault! Tell him too get me another one for free." Draco slurred angrily.

"Really Malfoy, you need to take responsibility for your own actions!" Hermione said as she took something from her pocket to put into his drink.

Earlier that day

"Look this is the www new potion, you give it to your victim, aka Malfoy, then that person will follow you around for a bit and then faint. Now you will give him this in his drink, and then you make sure he follows you to your apartment, you put him on the bed and command him to faint. Tie him up and then three hours later he'll awake, sober and tied up. Oh and naked... wandless" Ginny said with a little (evil) smirk on her face.

"Okay... What if it won't work" Hermione asked nervously.

"It will, I tried it on Gregory, works a treat!"


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