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A guide to territory by Wheatwhisker

Our clan's territory, formerly belonging the Tribe of Rushing Water, is an area of jagged mountains, home to, you guessed it, hawks (and us; but mostly hawks. Well, there aren't really a lot of hawks anymore--they're a big part of our diet--, but they sure were when Echostar ruled our clan).

Our territory isn't too interesting; it's just... home, ya know.

Well, anyway, as I said earlier, out territory is nothin' but a bunch of mountains. We have a sort of volcano-like thing that we call home. Tall mountains with trails that we have worn between them. The trails and the mountains slope down into a flat, snowy valley. On one particular mountain, the largest one that just so happens to be shaped like a mountain lion skull with water rushing out of the jaws, there is an entrance to our cave hidden by a waterfall. You have to walk behind the waterfall, the mountain lion kinda pulled its neck back to give us space to walk behind the waterfall in, to get into our cave.

Our cave is vast, with small holes allowing light to drift in. Our cave exits to several dens; the leader's den, the medicine cats' den, the warriors' den, the apprentices'  den, the nursery, and the elders' den. Each den is the exact same size, with several mossy nests in the nursery, apprentices', warriors', and elders' den. The leader's den only has a nest slightly larger than the average nest, and the medicine cats' den has five nests; two nests for the healers and three nests for the patients. Our fresh-kill pile is an un-literal mountain of prey in the middle of camp.

The ceilings and very high, and along the entrance wall are several jagged stones, perfect for leaping onto. The stones lead to the mountiain lion's inner eye, a small room with a fence to block you from falling off and a small entrance to the room. From this room you can see out of the mountain lion's eyes, and the eye sockets have a small tunnel that connects the room.

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