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An introduction by Sootstar

Our territory was formerly the Tribe of Rushing Water's territory, but when starvation took over, slaughtering almost all of the cats, a single cat remained and set out to rebuild what his tribe once had.

This cat, under the name of Echoing Screech of Eagle, had heard of clans that made homes far away, with different ways and names and lifestyles, and decided to build upon the clans' lifestyles, but keep the Tribe's spirit in his heart.

Doing so, Echo, now Echostar, looked to the sky above the area he had decided to build his clan in, and saw hawks; many of them, swooping down to snatch scrawny mice from the mountaintops, and decided to call this clan HawkClan.

Echostar now needed warriors to fight and hunt for his clan; cave-guards and prey-hunters they would be. He needed a deputy to succeed him when he passed to the stars. He needed a medicine cat to help him in times coughs tore his throat. He needed eager apprentices to train and become warriors. He needed queens and elders to tell soft-tongued stories on prey-less rainy days. He needed kits to journey out and discover new things.

But these things wouldn't come easy. Echostar knew that it would take more than the flick of his tail to create this clan: he would have to search, long and hard, to create this.

And he did.

For the deputy Echostar chose an eager and humorous young tom who soon became his best friend, Stormstreak.

For medicine cat he decided upon a quiet young she-cat, Sparktail.

For warriors... ah, he found many. Finchfur, Apexsong, Ashleap, Moosepelt, Rainheart, Crabclaw, Whitewillow, Orangefang, Darktail, Salmonstripe, Jaythunder, Eggjaw, and Silversplash.

An abundance of apprentice called HawkClan home. Patchpaw, Grainpaw, Rockpaw, Onionpaw, Kalepaw, Sunpaw, and Pinepaw.

His queens consisted of Milkfoot, Woodscar, and Featherstorm.

His elders, only three of them, were Crookedtail, Mistmoon, and Oakcloud.

The kits among his clan were Willowkit, Sycamorekit, Hornbeamkit (Milkfoot's kits), Brushkit (Woodscar's kit), Tigerkit, and Rowankit (Featherstorm's kits).

Many moons later, I, Sootstar, great great great great great grandson of Echostar, have taken over. Wish to join us? Please read the books in our library and then submit a form.

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