Everything was so beautiful. He was beautiful. The setting was beautiful. The night was beautiful. Gosh, everythign was beatiful. Expect the fact that there are wild animals that are probably come out of no where and eat both of us.. But who's thinking about that? Not me..
"I bought your favorite food." Harry said. I smiled and took a seat right in front of him. Welp, not really close to him but I was in front of him. The picnic basket was in the way. Luckly..
"Yeah, thanks." I said. I maybe looked rather weird or strange on the outside but I was fine on the inside really.. I was totally fine. I don't care that we were quiet because it was nice outside. The sky was gorgeous and I felt like I was the only one here beside the animals. And I sort of liked that.. Though I would like if he would justy talk or try to start a conversation wih me instead of making my awkwardness grow and grow and just get worse by the second..
"Uh, its really beautiful outside." I said. Trying to start a conversation.. But no luck, I had failed. All he did was nod and lay down on the huge rock we were sitting on.
Minutes ater, I couldn't take it. My awkwardness couldn't grow anymore and that wasn't normal. He wasn't even trying to talk to me. It was like I wasn't even here with him but it was just him alone. Suddently, I heard a phone coming from Harrys pocket. He looked at it and sighed as if something was annoying him. I looked out to the right to see nothing more but trees. I didn't have anything to do. I had finished all of my food and my phone was discharged..
"Its Caroline." He said. I smiled and acted as if I didn't feel sick but when I actually feel ike vomitting.. I had forgotten about her and Harrys relationship. Gosh I'm such a terrible person.. I woudnt like my boyfriend go out with someone else. Caroline should be here not me.
"Hey Caroline.. Uhm.. Yeah.. Sounds fun.. Aright.. Ill be there soon." I felt like shit. I wanted to cry but there was no use. It wouldn't matter. He probaby just took me out tonight because he felt bad for me. But when he truely likes Caroline. And I understand that, she was pretty and he does like older women so yeah.. I can't help it..
"Uh.. I have to go." Like I didn't see thaty coming. I smiled hiding my pain and stood up making my way down the rock without making any eye contact with him. I was hurt but I was just hiding it. There wasn't any other reason why I shouldn't anyway.. No one cares here. And I would be stupid enough to think tehre is. Everyone is off to the beach and having a good time and I'm happy for them, I really am. So maybe I should just remember all the great time I had at the beach.. Uhm.. Yeah.. That's it. Just be happy for your friends, it heps.. Wep, not really, it just brings back memories.. You know what Kelly just don't think about anything just keep waking.. Just keep waking.. Where the hell am I going? Maybe I should keep walking behind Harry.
Where is Harry?
"Harry?" I yelled. Maybe I should of just waited.. Yeah.. Waiting is nice.. I turned around and started heading back to where I was. Maybe he left, I thought. He did say that he needed to go not that we needed to go. I do know where my house is from here though so there's no probem. Well there was one probem, I didn't know how to get out of the forest.
"HARRY?!" I screamed once again this time louder. He left, I thought.
Minutes later I finally found out how to make my way out of the forest. The first thing I looked for was the car. I had a bit of hope that he was here but he wasn't.. I was now really fucking pissed. Who in fucking hell leaves- oh wait. There's his car. Thank god.. I started making my way to his car but he wasn't even here. Was he still in the forrest?
"KELLY?!?" I heard a scream come from in the forrest. I knew it was Harry , he would be the only one here right now that knows my name.
"HARRY!!" I yelled back. He was looking for me.. I knew he was. There wasn't a reason why he should leave me and I was stupid to even think about that. Even though he is in a lovely relasionship we are still best friend.. All does years of bring friends aren't going to go to waiste for me. Not in a million years.. Nevah.
He finally appeared he was breating heavily. But after I could even react I felt two hands hug me. In return I hugged tighter.
"I thought I had lost you."