My court waits

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"Just spit it out already I got to get to the lounge" I said as I neatly folded the dress and readied it to carry making sure the dagger stayed hidden. I didn't know what shoes I needed to wear so I decided to leave that up to the Court Ladies and pray they didn't give me really high heels.

"They Rebel kingdom has sent a peacemaker and has brought in a gift that is being presented tonight to Viper. That's why representatives from the other kingdoms have come." That stopped me cold in my tracks.

"We're actually entertaining the enemy?" I asked appalled. To send letters of peace was one thing but to actually entertain them in your home was another.

"Sorry sweetheart no more questions we're out of time you better get down to the lounge."


"No, come on I'll take you down there right now but I can't tell you anymore", Cutthroat said as he push me out of my room. "King Fuzzy orders it so," he said with a wicked grin know that he was a part of the very few that could get away with calling Viper names. He started walking briskly leading the way down to my own personal hell. Natasha meet us at the door to the Ladies art room and today I was there art project.

"Cutthroat!" she purred pouring enthusiasm into her voice. She then saw me and squealed "We've all been dying for the honor to serve you Amberia!" She practically pulled me into the room where a whole pack of Ladies were waiting to Pamper and style me. "Now Cutthroat we all love you, but you must leave us ladies to our art," She giggled and the other ladies joined in. She then practically slammed the door in his face. I had to admit she did get away with little things like that.

"Now Amberia you may not like the part, but Viper has given us the right to make you do whatever we need you to," she said it sweetly but under I know she was celebrating the fact that she had me, Viper's only daughter under her grip right now.

"Lilia take the dress!" she ordered one of the five Ladies with her.

"Sara get the wax ready I know we'll need to do her eyebrows into arches but I also have the feeling that her legs will need it", she winked at me knowing that I didn't care if I had leg hair or not.

She made another Lady prepare a fire for a hot curler and the wax and I quickly got it started for her to speed up the process. "Thank you Amberia", Natasha said when she saw that I was actually going along and helping them. She sent one Lady in search for shoes and the last for flowers and jewels to go in my hair and to act as accessories.

"Now Amberia I need you to strip down to you under garments so we can assess what we're working with" Natasha ordered. Reluctantly I obeyed this meeting could help get us funds to make a flourishing town and maybe a moment of peace with the rebels. I'd be dammed if I was going to mess it up by not looking proper. The next hour and a half I was Waxed and trimmed and plucked. As much pain as I could tolerate I couldn't help but let out a few yelps as they tore the hair from my legs, arms, and as they shaped my eyebrows. Even though it wasn't necessary Natasha ordered the rest of my body to be waxed just because she could. By the end of just the waxing my skin was puckered and red and I felt naked and bare without it. They then brought out expensive imported oils and rubbed in into my red skin. It took the redness out and make my skin soft and smooth. I was given five minutes of relive from this torture to sit and let the oils soak in. They were fragranced like roses and passionfruit giving me a pleasant smell and a smooth shine. I hissed at the unnaturalness of it all. I doubted if Viper could even recognize my sent at this point.

Natasha then filed down my nails and trimmed my hair down so that there were no dead ends. She did the same with my toenails and then painted them red with golden tips to match my wings. She brushed my wings with a brush treated with a small coat of oil to make them shine. I was still in my under clothes as they smeared a cream foundation on my face to smooth out blemishes. She then went over it with a light powder to get rid of the oily shine.

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