Chapter Two - Pancakes & Puppies

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Chapter Two

Paisley's POV

I wake up to the smell of smoke and the sound of the fire alarm. I quickly jump out of my bed and run to the source of the sound and smell. The kitchen.

I burst through the door leading into the kitchen, and there stands Tyler. He is covered by from head to toe in what I presume is flour, behind him smoke is barreling from the stove.

"What in the world happened?" I ask him, still in shock.

Tyler doesn't answer me, he just looks down embarrassed. I take this time to look around the rest of the kitchen, which is also a mess.

Egg shells and blueberries line the counter, there's a cutting board with a variety of half cut fruits sitting on it. Not to mention the big piles of flour that are scattered around the kitchen also. Thank goodness the smoke has started to clear and the fire alarm shut off.

" I tried to make your favorite pancakes for you." Ty mumbles.

I look down and cover my mouth to try and stop myself from laughing.

After I've composed myself I walk over to him and throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"Ty, that's so sweet thank you, but you and I both know why I do the cooking around here." I say with my face pressed into his chest as I giggle.

"Oh you think you're funny don't you?" He says, then starts tickling me frantically.

Now I'm going to warn you, when I get tickled or if I find something really funny, the noise that comes out of my mouth is horrendous. It's a mix between a laugh, a scream and a snort.

Which is not cute. At all. Not even a little bit.

Tyler ends up letting me go from laughing so hard from the noise that has just left my mouth.

He leans over to put his hands on his knees because he's laughing so hard.

"That noise, what is that even?" He asks still trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard, he takes one more look at me and ends up erupting back into laughter.

I stand of to the side with my hands on my hips, waiting for him to stop laughing.

"Okay,okay fine I'll stop." Tyler says then puts his fist up to his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"Well seeing that you've used up the rest of the food in the house, we need to go grocery shopping." I say to him as I start walking out the door towards my room.

"Okay, be ready in an hour?" Ty asks as he starts to clean his mess up.

"Okay, try not to burn the house down while I shower." I say while laughing.

"Ty, seriously? We don't need four family size boxes of Frosted Flakes" I say while putting back two of the four boxes.

What? Two is better than four, plus Ty will have the first box gone by the end of the week.We finish grocery shopping about an hour later, it would have been done earlier but with Ty it's like shopping with a child.

"Is there any where else we need to stop?" I ask a distracted looking Tyler, He thinks about it for a couple seconds before screaming.

"Holy shit Ty, what the was that!" I ask after recovering from almost swerving into the ditch.

" Can we go to the pet store! Please, please?" He begs while staring at me.
Sighing I turn my signal on to turn right into the pet store parking lot.

"Ty we don't even have a pet, why do we need to go to the pet store?" I ask

"I wanna look at the puppy's for adoption, then be sad when you won't let me get one." You can tell how often this happens by the fact that even though he knows I won't let him get one, he still begs every time.

Rolling my eyes I get out of the car, mentally preparing for the screaming about to come. And no not from the children also looking at puppies, from Tyler.
"Let's go then." I mutter.

Tyler's already at the puppy adoption centre by the time I get inside. With his face pressed against the glass, on the other side of the glass is an adorable Australian Shepard.

"Excuse me sir, can we hold her." Tyler asks the worker that was standing off to the side.

The man opens up the cage and gets the puppy out and hands her to me.
She stares up at me with her little blue eyes and licks my nose. Oh shit, with my resolve quickly fading I hand the puppy to Ty.

"Paisley, just look at her, please can we get her?"

Sighing I pet her head, then look at Ty, this would mean so much to him. Ugh damn it.

"Fine, but only under one condition, you have to take care of her." I say giving in.
Screeching, he jumps and squeezes me into a tight hug.

"Yeah, yeah your lucky I love you." I say while laughing.

After we finish filling out the adoption papers and picking out toys and such we start to walk out to the car.

Suddenly I have the feeling someone's watching me. looking over at Ty, I see he's cuddling the puppy, looking towards the car we were approaching, which happened to be ours.

I unlock the car and open the door, looking around I don't see anyone even looking in our direction, which makes it ten times worse knowing that whoever is watching me is hidden.

Shivering,I get in and start the car, waiting for Ty to get situated with the puppy before pulling off and head home, but not without one more quick scan of the area, looking for the owner of the eyes that I can still feel piercing into me.

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