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Imagine- being friends with Damon for forever and him comforting you after he finds out you've been getting abused at home.

Four years! Four dam years of being verbally and physically abused at home by both your parents and your brothers. Yet no one know. Well actually of course no one knew because you never told anyone. Not even your best friend, the only person you could ever trust. Damon Salvator.
He'd been your best friend since you were born and that was never going to chance but of course he didn't know about the abuse you were involved in.
You hid the bruises well since make up seemed to be the only logical option you'd always use way to much but it did the job. No one would be worried or confront you about the bruise so you were good to go.
Even your best girl friend Caroline Forbes didn't know which was a first. You used to tell her everything but now things were different you just kept things yourself.

" drink?" Damon asked you as he clicked his fingers trying to get you to pay attention to him. " (y/n)? Hello is anybody even there?" He said with a hint of concern in his eyes.
You quickly jolted back into reality and smiled your always believable fake smile which you'd developed over the years of bottling things up.
" yes sorry I was just thinking." You said softly to him trying to keep him from knowing something was up.
" what you thinking about?" He asked worriedly since you always told him everything but you see being secretive over the past few years.

You shook your head trying to change the conversation.
" nothing important." You said quickly before looking into his eyes. You hated lying to him so much. You longed to tell him why you were acting like this but you couldn't. He probably wouldn't believe you anyway so what was the point in telling him?
" well it obviously is important to you if you were thinking about it for so long (y/n) come on please tell me." He said sympathetically trying to get to the bottom of your strange behaviour.
" I can't I'm sorry." You said softly as you stood up to leave but Damon pulled your wrist causing you to sit back down in the booth at the grill.

" (y/n) I will compel it out of you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Please (y/n) just tell me. You've been acting strange for the past four years and I want to know why." He's tugged at your arm so much with his semi wet hands from his cold drink that the foundation covering your large bruise on your wrist had warn away, reviling it to him.

He stared for almost eternity at your wrist trying to piece together a logical explanation or your strange behaviour but failed.
" (y/n) who did this?" He asked with a hint of anger in his tone.
" no one" you quickly replied trying not to show to him that you were lying but it obviously didn't work as he didn't buy it at all.
Damon quickly ripped the vervain bracelet from your wrist and stared into your eyes. He hated having to compel you into telling him the trust but he so desperately needed to know who had caused the bruise on your arm to appear.

" I know your lying to me (y/n). And I hate that you can't tell me the trust so who did this to you?" He compelled you to answer since he wasn't egging an answer any other way.
" my dad." You said almost with no effort at all to fight. Once he stopped compelling you did you notice what he'd done to get you to answer him.

"Damon that's not what a friend should do." You said with an angry expression on your face and tears forming in your eyes already.
" I'm sorry (y/n) but I had to know. And now I do I'm going to go rip his head off for hurting you." He said almost effortlessly like he wasn't thinking at all. Which was defiantly the problem. See your friend Damon never though before he spoke which ended him in a lot of trouble most days. But that's what you loved about your best friend. He didn't give a shit about what he said or who he hurt.

" Damon as much as I would want you to do that I don't want you to get hurt." You said as you gave in to the tears that had started to form in your eyes and were now gliding down your face.
Damon looked at you upset and quickly pulled you into a tight hug. He saw the pain and upset in your face and he couldn't bare to see you like this.
He'd made a vow to you when you were both younger that he would never leave your side not even when you were crying or in pain. And this was one of those moments when that bow became true.

" hey (y/n) it's ok your safe. I won't let anything happen to you. You can stay with me tonight and forever if you have to. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you like this again I promise." He said with a worried expression still clear on his face as he held you close to his chest and let you continue to sop painfully into his black shirt.

A sense of relief seemed to flood over your entire body. You were finally safe. But for how long at a time. You knew he couldn't keep you safe forever but you could at least hope that he would be able to keep you safe for a little while.
" thank you Damon." You said through wet eyes.
He smiled down at you lovingly and kissed the top of your head assuring you he would keep you safe.
" no need to thank me (y/n) your my best friend and I hate seeing you in pain. No one should ever have to go through this especially not you of all people your least to deserve this." He said while keeping you close to his body almost fully on his lap.

A few hours later Damon had taken you back to his house and you were now wearing one of his old shirts and some shorts that you always kept in your bag for some reason. You lay completely on Damon's lap now with your head on his chest. This was usually the way you would stay when you'd been crying which seemed to be everyday for the last 4 years.
Damon didn't mind that you would sit on his lap since he loved you so much and always wanted to keep you safe.
He'd decided not to speak for a while so that you could get everything off your chest which actually seemed to help a lot. You told him about everything that had happened over the years with your family and he just listened. It was like he cared so much and wanted to do his very best to understand your situation.
You talked for hours until you eventually fell asleep on his lap with your face buried in his chest.
He didn't move since he knew how tough this had been on you and you defiantly needed the rest.

Stefan had walked through the doors and into the living room a few hours later which surprisingly enough managed not to wake you from your deep sleep.
" what's happened? Why's (y/n) here?" He asked confused as he lay his stuff on the table and sat down at the table not wanting to disturb your slumber.

Damon simply pressed a finger to his lips indicating for him to be quite since you were asleep.
" she hasn't slept for a while and I just want her to feel safe. She's staying here for while." He said quietly as to not wake you from the very deep sleep you managed to get yourself into.

Stefan simply nodded and walked out of the room not caring that you were staying at their house since you were practically apart of his family anyway.

Word count- 1383

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