127 • the meeting

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Part 17 | the meeting | jjk pov

1Jeongguk had forgotten his phone at home

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Jeongguk had forgotten his phone at home.
How could he be so dumb?

But he wouldn't go back, definitely not with that thing there to greet him.

He decided to take shelter in a 24 hour convenience store until 12 o'clock.
His nerves were up high.

"Banana milk, and yeol cup ramen, is that all for tonight sir?" The young girl asked politely.

He nodded, looking over the counter and seeing study books with countless pages and notebooks spread across the table.

He never knew the struggle this girl had.

He was raised in a wealthy household, athletic, and smart enough to graduate with a scholarship to many schools.

He tipped the girl a 20, and sat down, sipping on his banana milk as the noodles started to get soft.

It was 9:00, he still had three hours left. Until he would meet V, and finally get revenge for Hoseok.

He hated to admit that he was slightly afraid.
He wanted someone to be with when this would be all over, but he had no one.

Taehyung, was gone now.
And it hurt like a Bitcoin. (Bitch)

After eating and talking a well needed nap, Jeongguk checked the store's clock.

He needed to leave now.

Jeongguk stood in the dark, quiet alley way, a loaded gun secured in his police belt, alongside a pair of sturdy hand cuffs.

He didn't know what time it was but it felt as if the killer was late.

"Jeongguk." He quickly turned to the voice ready to face this killer and tried to look trust worthy.

But it was Jimin.

"J-Jimin?" He stuttered.

Was Jimin the killer?
Did he kill all those people?

"Relax Gguk, im not the killer. I'm here to look out for you, I'm not letting you meet this psycho alone." Jimin lifted his jacket, revealing a nice shiny handgun.

"I'll be hiding behind this garbage can, when you meet V, I'll be watching his every move alright?"

Jimin snuck behind the large garbage can, giving Jeongguk no time to argue.

Because just then, they heard foot steps.

A shadow appeared far away in the distance.
Loud footsteps accompanying it.

Jeongguk gulped hard and waited.
The black figure started getting closer, and closer.

Jeongguk squinted.
The figure was smaller than he anticipated, and their legs were slim and toned.

Jeongguk's shoulder fell down in releif, as a women on her phone passed by him.

It wasn't the killer.

He then called out to Jimin
"It was just a woman, she's gone now. Gosh my heart is beating so hard right now."

He got no response.

"Jimin Hyung?" He called, looking down the dark alley.

He got deeper into the alley. 
And he saw a horrific scene.

"R-run." Jimin had a oozing red stab wound on his stomach, he coughed out blood before falling quickly to the ground.

Jeongguk ignored his recommendation and ran up to Jimin, trying to shake the unconscious boy back awake.

"Officer Gguk."

Guys I hope you guys won't hate the ending!!
I say there's about,,,, maybe 5 chapters left?
Yeah yeah I know I said that the story is almost over but I guess it's not!
I want there to be at least 25 chapters :)

(There might be a sequel;))

officer gguk | vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now