132 • the star

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Part 22 | the star | <3

"J-Jeongguk-ah!" Taehyung gripped the delicate sheets, biting his lips hard.

"You like that?" Jeongguk said, panting, and out of breath.

His hands are majestic.
Taehyung thought.

"T-to the right.." Taehyung groaned.

"The right?" Jeongguk's hand moved slightly to the right, making Taehyung squirm and shake in pleasure.

"Jeongguk.." Taehyung panted. "You give the best massages"

"I know babe." Jeongguk then laid next to his soon to b husband, and kissed him on his forehead, his eyes lingering on the exhausted boy.

"Last night was pretty fun right?" Jeongguk smirked, seeing the reddish tint spread across his Hyung's face.

"Y-yeah it was." Taehyung admitted.

"There are still some toys we haven't tested out.. if you're up for round deux." Jeongguk held up two of his white fingers.

"Maybe tomorrow babe." Taehyung mumbled, slowly falling asleep.

Jeongguk watched the resting soul.

"How do you still make my heart race, even though I know you're already mine." Jeongguk sighed and placed his hand on his right chest.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Only his beautiful baby could make his heart beat like that.

myg pov
Yes I miss Hoseok.
And I fucking still love him of course.

But this man, in front of me is making the painful memories fade away.
I forget what made me hurt, and I actually feel a sense of joy.

Park Jimin, who are you?

Watching Jimin's laugh, I felt a sense of warmth but sadly, guilt.

"Yoongi hyung. I've got to ask. We've been hanging out a lot lately, and we've even called each other boyfriend...." Jimin scratches the back of his neck.

"But you never really... how do I say this... touched me?"

Yoongi fell silent.

"No no no! Not like that! Ugh that came out weird. I meant like, kissing, hugging, or holding hands?"

"Jimin, I'll be right back."

Yoongi raced out of Jimin's house, rushing onto the front deck.

The night sky was beautiful.
Stars shining so bright.
He felt tears streaming down his face as his lips tugged up wards.

He looked up at the brightest star and smiled even harder.

"Hoseok-ah. I missed you." He said.

"I know it's been a while since you left us, you're still in my heart." Yoongi let out a silent sob.

"Do you think I can be happy? This Jimin guy seems really sweet. He makes me happy." Yoongi stared at that star.

"I don't want you to think you're being replaced. It's just, I love you, and I love him."

"Maybe send me a sign if you're ok with me letting go."
Just a second later, a green leaf landed on Yoongi's shoe.

He smiled so wide, looking back to the star, wiping his dry tears.
"Thank you Hoseok-ah."

He ran back into the house, greeted by Jimin.
He bolted to the boy and hugged him so hard.

"Hyung?..." Jimin asked.

"Just shut up." Yoongi pulled away only to smash his lips onto Jimin's.

Jimin places his hands on Yoongi's waist, spinning him around.

Their lips parted and eyes glued onto each other's.

"You're mine Park Jimin." Yoongi said.

A bit of Yoonmin action.

Ok but I PROMISE to update more and this series will finish soon 💗💜

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