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Have you ever felt caged? Have you felt trapped within your own head? Have you felt that you cannot talk to no one? Or felt like you are standing still as everyone is moving forward. You want to scream but no words escape your mouth. The sweetest smiles hide the saddest minds.

People move on and talk less. The people closets to you drift away. With no outlet the pressure builds. Cracks appear but you just smile and keep walking forward. You mend the breaks and hide the ones you can't. You force yourself to the limit and just keep walking past it.

You've caged yourself in your own mind, telling yourself "It'll get better.", "I don't want to bug them.", "It could be worse." But you don't do anything. The key to the cage is lost now and there seems to be no escape anymore.

When people start to notice the cracks and the jagged edges of broken pieces they always ask, "Why didn't you get help?", "There's people who you can talk to." They don't understand...... I don't want to talk. I don't want their help. I don't feel like I need their help. I've been through worse. I've seen worse. I DON'T WANT THEIR PITY......

I'm broken. I'm trapped. My mind screams for help, but my pride and stubbornness won't let it out. I am who I am. I've learned to work around the cracks and broken edges. It's just who I am.


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