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Now that we have the flashback/memory scene out of the way, we can move on to Oogway's ascension!



"Inner peace..." Shifu uttered. Instead of going to dinner with Leo and the Five, he was meditating. The last few days have been trying on his mind, and he felt like some meditation had been in store for now. Shifu spoke again, to himself, "Inner peace." The red panda felt his mind, clear and calm, like a meadow in the spring.

But a sudden noise broke the night silence. It sounded like a flapping sound, like a bird frantically taking to the sky. Shifu's ears pinned to his head. But just as quickly as the sound started, it seemed to stop. The master sighed, a small smile creasing his muzzle. He did not even have to say a word. He uttered inner peace again, feeling the ripples in his mind slow to a stop.

The master's meditation was once again interrupted when a crash rang out through the building. Shifu opened his eyes, irritated now. He stood and turned,

"Who- Oh! Zeng."

Indeed, it was the messenger goose that Shifu had sent out several days prior to tell Commander Vachir, the rhino, to increase security on Tai Lung. He has now, finally, returned from Chor Ghom Prison. Shifu continued talking,

"I would love to hear some good news."

Zeng was about to start speaking, but then he hesitated. Zeng recomposed himself,

"Uhm, about that, Master Shifu. Tai Lung escaped. Commander Vachir...he and the army have been defeated. He- Tai Lung- told me to tell you that the real Dragon Warrior is coming home." Zeng said nervously, gulping.

Shifu felt fear and paranoia stab his heart like a poison-tipped arrow. His eyes widened and his breathing quickened. So Tai Lung would return. Oogway was right. The red panda dismissed the goose and ran outside. He had to tell Oogway.

Would he tell Leo? The two cats used to be best friends. How would Leo react to the news that his brother would be returning? Shifu shook the thought from his head. He would let that crisis work itself out. Hopefully Leo would take it well..

Shifu ran up the mountain. He had to tell Oogway the bad news. As Shifu ran he thought of what would happen when Tai Lung returned. Would Oogway stop him? Would there be bloodshed? Shifu winced. He had to tell Oogway. He hoped that the tortoise would be at one of his favorite spots, at the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. Yes. It seemed that the Grandmaster was no where else.

"Master! Master!" Shifu panted as he crested the mountain. Oogway had his back turned to him, but the tortoise used his long neck to look over his shell at the red panda. He hummed inquiringly at Shifu.

"I have...uhm.." The red panda stopped to catch his breath, "it is very bad news." Shifu stood upright, panting heavily.

"Ohh, Shifu." Oogway said, turning his body to face Shifu, "there is just news. There is no good or bad." He said, wisely.

"Master, your vision, your vision was right!" Shifu said, urgency in his voice, "Tai Lung has broken out of prison! He is on his way!" The smaller master said, fearful.

The surprise was evident on Oogway's face. His eyes became wide, and his mouth hung slightly agape. He was quiet for a moment, before speaking,

"That is bad news." He looked down at the ground, thinking, before speaking again, "But only if you believe the Dragon Warrior can stop him."

"The panda?" Shifu asked, "No disrespect, Master Oogway, but he does not even know Kung Fu! It was an accident that he is here." Shifu said, trying to stay calm.

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