The Coalition

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This chapter is going to be very different from the movie. Instead of writing a training scene with Shifu, Leo and Po, I want to add a few 'new' characters in this chapter. In order to do that, the battle with the Furious Five is going to have to be very different. I hope you guys don't mind!



Tai Lung's Point of View


I had been running for just over a day now at top speed, and I had yet to break a sweat. I could not tire now. The Dragon Scroll- my Dragon Scroll- was waiting for me in the Jade Palace.

I felt my hackles raise at the thought. Not of the scroll, but of the thought of the occupants of Palace. Master Oogway, Master Shifu, and Leo. I remembered back to when Leo had visited me, almost twenty years ago. I pictured his face, in front of mine, the forgiveness in his eyes. My heart hardened. I roared and swiped at the air in front of me, slashing through the vision. If it were real, Leo would have several scars on his muzzle. That's fine by me.

As I crested a mountain I spotted two houses in the shadow of a mountain. A tiny figure, maybe a goat, tended a garden near the older looking house, while another goat stood outside the second house. I slowed to a quick trot and curled my lips. Should I go around them and save time, or destroy it, like I had the Valley many years ago?

I shrugged nonchalantly and charged down to the small village, a roar building in my throat. The old goat looked up from his garden, his eyes widening in pure terror. He bleated a warning to the rest of the goats, to which there were only two others, an old female and a younger male- maybe their son?

But I cared not for family. I entered the valley and charged straight towards the older male who ran towards the cover of his house. But he was too slow, too late. I bunched my muscles and leapt, my fist connecting with the building that the goat tried to flee to. A terrible groan came from the building as the front wall collapsed and the roof gave in, causing the entire house to be level with the ground.

The entire family cried out, and the stood rooted to the ground, the younger male moving protectively in front of his parents and his home, which was still standing. I stood on all fours, towering over the trio. The son narrowed his eyes and bleated out,

"The Dragon Warrior will stop you!"

"I would like to see him try..." I growled menacingly, my tail lashing.

"He fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! He is invincible! He is a warrior unlike anything you've ever seen!" The goat countered, shaking his head.

{Hmm..} I thought. A ball of fire? How interesting. I have not heard that story yet. But if he could be able to survive a feat like that, he must be a true warrior. I spoke, my whiskers twitching.

"Then maybe he will be a challenge. I would like one." I snarled, leaping clear over the goats and smashing my front paws into the last standing home. The screams behind me were like music to my ears.

The building shook and collapsed, a cloud of dust covering the land. Without another word or a second of hesitation I landed on the ground and ran west, towards the mountains, leaving the family behind to clean up the mess. When the dust cleared, the only thing the goats would see is a mess.

I began to scale another mountain when I heard distant roars from ahead of me. My ears perked up, but I did not slow, for I had a mission. Another roar caused me to look to my left, to the next mountain. Three figures were running down the mountain next to the one I was descending. They were running towards me, roaring up a storm. Were they opponents? I slowed my pace so that the animals could come into focus. They crested the mountain that I was on and began to draw closer to me.

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