I Think You're Cute | 02

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Honestly how forgetful he is? Such a problematic older brother

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Honestly how forgetful he is? Such a problematic older brother...

You sighed, the neatly made bento in your [S/c] hands. Hizashi had forgotten his food and now you were forced to go to the high school filled with people aspiring to be heroes and find him then give it to him. You didn't even bother to put on a hoodie since it was a bit warm outside today.

Other people passed by you as you walked in the direction of the high school. Ignoring the voices of other people chatting and the way they bumped into you and didn't say anything about it and continued walking. Rude, is what you thought.

"He so owns me one for this." You muttered as you started to sweat nervously a little when you caught a random woman staring at you before quickly looking away when you caught her in the act. Man did you hate going outside. You were the type of girl who liked staying inside and taking naps or eating sweets and petting you're pet cats you had in you're apartment. Ha, just like being a cat lady... But it's sadder.

You snorted. Good one.

While walking, being so ingress in your thoughts that you didn't notice a random woman walking your way with her head down. Eyes on her phone. You both bumped into each other, landing harshly on the floor from impact. Each of you let out pained noises. It was pretty clear that neither of you were paying attention.

"Oh! S..sorry." You quickly scrambled to stand up, taking the bento you dropped on the ground during the impact with you. Your [S/c] cheeks turns a shade of rosy pink. The woman on the ground groaned in distress, her eyes fluttering open before they looked up at your anxious and apologetic face. I should've look at where I was going, You reached you're other hand out to the woman only for it to be roughly smacked away causing a soft gasp to leave your mouth.

"Don't touch me with you're germs, pig." She sneers at you angrily. You glared at her slightly while she got up and dusted herself off, wiping the hand she smacked yours with on her pencil skirt like if it was covered in some odd diseases.

What's her problem?

The older woman, looking like she was in her forties, huffed and crossed her arms. You blushed a little more when her dull, gray eyes looked you up and down. She has a disgusted look her on her face and it made you a bit self-conscious. "You..." She drawled out, "need to lose some weight, I mean you look like a fat-looking hobo walking around dressed like that."

Excuse me? What did she just say?

"Excuse me Miss, I don't mean to be rude now but..." You crosses your arms mocking her and glared more harder, your once soft and calm (E/c) eyes filled with anger. "who the fuck asked for you're goddamn opinion on what I look like? You don't see me saying that you looking like a clown with all that makeup on you're face and a total awful bitch by you're unpleasant attitude."

AhhhHoly shit, I just insulted someone?! Holy fuck! Is it sad that I'm actually shocked at how I finally had the guts to stand up for myself or?

"Why you little..." She took a deep breath as she notice people where looking and she most likely didn't want to ruin her stupid reputation. So instead she glared at you one last time before scoffing and turning around, the sound of her (probably, they looked cheap) high priced heels clicking behind her.

You watched until she disappeared into the crowd of other civilians. "What a bratty little shit." you murmured before focusing on what you was doing before. Oh yeah! You were heading to U.A. to give his bento to you're brother. Immediately your feet started to move once again, but this time you made sure not to bump into any rude people like the woman earlier.

[Commercial break]
Brought to you by....

Chibi Yagi, Aizawa and Hizashi all sitting in the teachers lounge, talking and drinking some (good) coffee.

[Commercial break over]

A familiar spiky, cockatoo styled, hair blond sat in the teachers lounge at his desk with lots of unfinished paper work messily stacked upon it. He had a cup of coffee in his right hand while some of the same paper in the other. He examined the work for a little but a bored (loud and obnoxious) sigh escaped his lips and he leaned back in his chair.

"Yo..." he calls out to the other scruffy looking male in the room, who (dead and done with life) tired black eyes glanced at him merely before focusing back on the work stacked on their desk. "Shouuttta... man." Hizashi calls out again. This time childishly.

"Shouldn't you be doing you're work instead of bothering me already?" Mumbled Shouta who didn't even bother to look up to know Hizashi was grinning.

"But I'm bored Shouta!" Hizashi whined, placing down his coffee and paperwork and leaning back more in his swirly chair. "And I don't like doing work anyways!"

Shouta quietly scoffed and only ignored the blond. Continuing to work. "I hope you fall off of that chair and when you do I'm going to laugh at your misfortune." He says grimly.

Hizashi pouted, crosses his arms over his chest. "That's mean..." before looking away and back to the stuff piled on his desk. I hate paperwork! He huffed and grabbed a black inked pen. Sucks being adult!

Guess who starting school! Me that's who...

*Sobs in the corner of the room.*

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