The "Clean Romance Jesus" Character

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"Clean Romance Jesus" is our out-of-universe term for this shared character. In-universe, within the story, this character introduces himself as "Jesus". He may use a family name, if prompted by other characters or situations, but when he does it must always be an obvious alias, often because it's a very common name. (Jesus Smith, Jesus Garcia, Jesus Singh, etc.) Or, he may give a name related to his occupation at the time, such as Jesus Carpenter who answers an ad for a handyman or Jesus Wheelman the Uber driver.

If other characters pronounce his name as Isa or Josh or Yeshua or other variant, "Clean Romance Jesus" does not react with any offense.

"Clean Romance Jesus" exists in the 21st Century and lives on Earth. He travels a lot and may appear in any region or nation. He never shows a passport or identifies as being born in a particular nation.

"Clean Romance Jesus" identifies as "a man". He does not say he is a cis man or a trans man. He only self-identifies as "a man". If someone asks him to be more specific, he will be sympathetic to the fact this matters to some, and yet politely ask others to respect his own boundaries.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is a loving person and does not engage in so-called toxic masculinity.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is an adult. He may seem brotherly, or fatherly, or like a son to other characters. He can remember things and events from later 20th Century and from 21st Century. He has knowledge of history, but hints that this knowledge is from all the reading he does.

"Clean Romance Jesus" does not describe himself. He does not look in a mirror and notice his  appearance. He does not self-identify as any particular race or ethnicity or color. However, characters he meets may perceive him to be a welcome sort of person and even attractive in their eyes.

"Clean Romance Jesus" may sometimes indicate the clothing he is wearing, but does so in the context of acknowledging that he has dressed with some modesty in a manner that is appropriate for the region and job he is currently in.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is low-key magical. He doesn't grant wishes or raise the dead or perform transfiguration, but he has an uncanny knack for making people feel better and being in the right place at the right time to help someone in need.

"Clean Romance Jesus" communicates in whatever language or languages other characters require.

"Clean Romance Jesus" generally eats whatever local people around him eat. He may possibly avoid ordering a cheeseburger or a porkchop or lobster, but he does not refuse food he is offered. He won't get sick or have allergies. He genuinely enjoys sharing meals.

"Clean Romance Jesus" shows willingness to help others in a variety of ways and often does so though responding to some cry for help, signage, published ad, or app. He's able to perform pretty much any kind of manual labor, but if someone's need is for a trained professional, he will use his low-key magic to talk a professional into volunteering their service rather than do it himself.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is a loving individual who has love (of which there are many forms) for all kinds of people. He is interested in many forms of companionship, such as friendship, being activity partners, or romance.

"Clean Romance Jesus" in #cleanromancejesus stories is not depicted as having sexual encounters and does not reference himself as having sexual encounters. He does not self-identify as asexual but also doesn't not self-identify as allosexual or demisexual. If another character asks about this, Jesus will talk about the many forms of love he does have and keep the focus there.

"Clean Romance Jesus" doesn't discuss or reference sex or sexuality as negative. #cleanromancejesus stories are not intended to focus on or include "description of" sex, but  "Clean Romance Jesus" is clear that he doesn't think there is shame or negativity for those who make love or have consensual and respectful sexual encounters with each other. He may offer friendly companionship to sex workers, for example.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is generally not judgmental. People do what the gotta do.

"Clean Romance Jesus" is as capable of saving others as the next person. He may sometimes be that one who literally rescues someone from drowning, for example, but he is always willing to step aside when a real hero arrives to perform first aid or any type of rescue service. He's always willing to help, yet does not seek credit and often declines full credit. His motivation is not to "save" others but to be a positive force in their life and support them in their efforts.

When "Clean Romance Jesus" has performed a job or task that he was hired to do, he doesn't go out of his way to collect payment, but he will graciously accept payment and sympathize with the fact people may feel more esteem when they have the ability to pay for something and do so. He agrees it is just to receive payment for work. If Jesus understood a certain task was on a volunteer basis but someone later offers a tip or hand-out, he may mention he was volunteering, but he'll accept tips.

"Clean Romance Jesus" doesn't stay in one place very long. He's clear about his intent to eventually move on. His motivation is to provide companionship or assistance when and where it's needed most. His experiences and relationships are no less meaningful to him for being short.

"Clean Romance Jesus" generally supports activism that calls out injustice. He would like to stay civil, but he can and sometimes may be angry about a particular injustice. After shouting and flipping tables, he will try to talk with others about possible solutions. He does have a low-key magical ability to soothe others, so long as he's not himself angry in that moment.

"Clean Romance Jesus" does not endorse any particular religion. He is knowledgeable about religions in general. He willingly offers his companions ship and/or assistance to people who may be atheists, or agnostic, or members of any faith. He is willing to hear complaints or troubles related to religious beliefs, and is a sympathetic listener.

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