The "Clean Romance Jesus" Formula

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The "Clean Romance Jesus" brand is about being real, acknowledging that there are diverse people in the world that have different needs in life and want different forms of companionship and romance, while creating and sharing stories for an all-ages audience that are ultimately positive and hopeful in tone.

#cleanromancejesus stories should be all-ages appropriate, which means no detailed descriptions of sex, or violence should be included and that acts generally considered taboo and criminal should not be encouraged. Any 'sensitive' topics, such as suicide, abuse, or addiction should be treated respectfully and with compassion, but also kept as much as possible to references without detailed descriptions. Think about the way a parent might explain to a child that a bad thing does exist in the world using simple, plain language and avoiding 'gory' details, while also assuring them that there is hope and goodness and a future.


Your stories are your own, but a suggested formula for #cleanromancejesus stories has a structure somewhat similar to other wandering protagonist stories:

-Someone in the world has some need or difficulty or problem or is just having a bad day.

-Through some low-key magical coincidence, "Clean Romance Jesus" is in their area and becomes aware of their need. This could take the form of an inciting incident or Meet Cute, in which "Clean romance Jesus" is the one who responds to an ad they have placed or just happens to arrive as they are seeking something.

-The character in need may at first choose to reject offered help or companionship.

-"Clean Romance Jesus" is never persistent in a creepy way, because he respects boundaries, but he may indicate he'll just be in the area doing something unrelated. There's always some odd job or someone else using a dating app for activity partners.

-That earlier person in need may change their mind. It's OK for them to make that choice. Or, maybe their refusal was firm and that's also OK to show as a possibility. "Clean Romance Jesus" will run into someone else who will accept help or companionship.

-"Clean Romance Jesus" has an uncanny ability to get people talking. A character could have a personal need for companionship or romance, or they might reveal through talking that there's some problem a lot of people in the same area or situation are having.

-Mostly through listening and then getting people to open up and talk, "Clean Romance Jesus" enables others to solve their own problems, though he's there is they need a hand or an extra volunteer.

-Sometimes, if there's a common problem in the area, "Clean Romance Jesus" ends up indirectly helping the character who initially refused his help.

-At some point, "Clean Romance Jesus" does a generally romantic thing (even if not in a romance with the guest character of the episode). This is very open to interpretation. It could be taking trash from the kitchen to the curb. It could be he made dinner. It could be he repaired a cabinet door. It could be he found the movie someone talked about loving in their youth is playing at a theater they didn't know was still open. He danced. He fixed dolly's tea cup. It could be a little bit of a surprise, but never so surprising that the reaction is "I had my own plans for handling that and I'm mad". He did it because he listened to needs and wanted to help.

-"Clean Romance Jesus" and other characters communicate how their time was meaningful or helpful or special in some way.

-"Clean Romance Jesus" is either shown to depart, or he mentions an intent to depart when some ongoing activity has been completed or settled.


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