10: Christmas

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Zach wraps his arms around my waist. Reese opens all her presents. She loves the one I got for her, a necklace to match mine and show her I care about her. I got Ryan a new XBox game which he loves. I smile at Zach brightly as he opens his gift. I got him a photobook of all the time we've spent together. He smiles. "Well, I have one last gift for Leah Callisto..." Zach says. "Oh dear," I say giggling. We stand up. He holds my hands, drops down on one knee and pulls out a ring. "Leah Callisto, a year. A full fucking year and a half with you and I wouldn't take back anything. You make me so happy and I can officially say we've been through it all. Losing our baby was the worst thing to ever happen to us and I know, you've been crying constantly but don't worry. I'm here. And that's why I want to ask you a question. Will you marry me?" Zach asks. I start to cry. "Yes, Zachary Dean Herron, yes," I say. He makes out with me in front of our families. They cheer and clap. He picks me up and carries me back to the couch. "So, how's the baby?"

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