Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath as I let my eyes scan my peers gathered along the entrance of East High. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least, because I can feel most eyes on me as I make my way inside the school.

Come on Ana! You can do it. These suckers got nothing on you...well except the fact that your name is Anastasia Steel. Get ready Ana, shits about to go down.

I slowly exhaled the breath I had been holding in. I hate introducing myself because of the fact that my name is Anastasia Steel. Before I introduced myself as, Hello, my name is Anastasia Steel. What's yours? Now, Hello, my name is Anastasia Steel and no I'm not THE ANASTASIA STEEL from Fifty Shades Of Grey. I'm Anastasia Steel from Boston. Go Red Sox!

Moving on, I used to be pretty popular in my school, guys wanting to do me and girls wanting to be me. How ironic is it that it all came crashing down when Fifty Shades Of Grey came out?

I had to move schools because of the fact that I kept getting harassed and sad thing is that I almost got raped. Good thing the dumb asses didn't check me for my phone. Speed dial is my best friend.

After the whole fiasco, my parent's finally decided that it was time we moved. Dad got a promotion and mom just likes moving for fun. Literally. So we packed our bags and boxes and on our way to a new beginning.

So here I am now, steps away from my new beginning, steps away from fate, steps away from my very own fresh start and steps away from bumping into a wall. Aaoofffgg. "What the fuck?" So it's not a wall. Shit. 


Good job Ana! Now everybody is staring. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I looked up from having fallen to the ground and I swear there's golden light surrounding him or for sure I am hallucinating. Sweet baby Jesus, he is gorgeous. Beautiful green eyes stared back at me, prominent jaw and one hell of a mouth. One I would wish upon a star to kiss and crooked nose, which he probably got into a lot of fights. Brown hair set on his head and by looking at his body, I can see he is very muscular and probably has a six-pack. I can see a faint trace of a tattoo that I assume would start from his neck and go towards his chest or back. Great, I just bumped into the school's bad boy. Looking at his attire and the way he held himself my assumption is dead on.

"Stop fucking staring at me and get the hell up, would you. You're making a fucking scene," the stranger said.

"A little help would be nice now," I said while holding out my hand for him to help me up.

He just stared at it as it is garbage. Asshole much.

"Uurrgg, fine," finally he helps me up.

Well so much for helping me because he pulled me too hard and I ending up bumping into him. Wow, I looked up at him and I honestly can't stop staring at him. He is beautiful. I saw his eyes almost turn black, but then he put his arm around me and it went back to normal. He realized he had his arm around me and quickly dropped it.

"Great, we are back to you staring at me," he said tiredly.

What he said snapped me out of it. I stepped away from him and just stood there. He once again just looked at me and then randomly walked away leaving me staring after him and feeling a bit of pain inside.

I decided that I should be on my merry way before getting in trouble for being late for class, and made my way to the office. The lady behind the desk was 40-something and was happily typing away on the computer. Morning person for sure.

"Hi, my name is Anastasia Steel. Can I have my schedule please?"

She just looks at me for a second then starts laughing. Oh my gosh. She read the book. Aarrggg. Did everyone read Fifty? She looked at me as if I'm joking.

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