The Lorax's long lost followers

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I must have passed out because as I woke up I found I was now sitting in some sort of makeshift cage. It wasn't made of iron bars, but large logs built into an Indian style TP shape. The large logs were spread apart so that you could see through easily but not fit your body through. The floor was just grass nothing too fancy, no chairs to sit in, so I settled for sitting crisscross on the ground.

Whoever these people were they didn't seem very pleasant, but then again I could understand why someone could be skeptical of a teenager girl alone in the middle of the woods as the sun began to set. If anything I would assume someone would ask if I was lost or needed help, not lock me in a cage. To be fair, I'm pretty sure how cruel people can truly be after the suspiciously 'nice' girls who offered to give me a ride home purposely dropped me off in the middle of a giant forest for the sole purpose making my life miserable, If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be in this position. I am seriously questioning why everyone seemed so confused on why I had literally no friends in Arizona, when I actually interact with people they do this. If I haven't said it before, I. Hate. People.

Nevertheless, I had to tell the weird Evergreen cult that this was just one big misunderstanding. With my mind made up I stood from the ground brushing off my jeans attempting to remove the grass and dirt Remanence that had likely attached onto my denim. leaning against the wood facing in the direction of the boy who I assumed had been assigned to watch. I wouldn't have even known he was there if I didn't see his long lengthy legs peeking out from behind the giant oak tree he was sat behind. Well I guess now's the time to explain the unfortunate events that led me to this exact moment. I was going to try to convince him why his little village should release me. Maybe I'd ask them if they could show me the way out of the enormous forest, if they are feeling especially helpful.

"Excuse me. " I called out in the sweetest voice I could muster up.

No response.

" I didn't mean to stumble into your peoples.." I paused, what was this place?

" Living area." I added after a moment of thinking, my voice seeming to lack confidence on the last word.

Still nothing from the boy behind the tree. This sucks. I've not even been in Washington for a full week and I seemed to be captured by the Lorax's long lost followers.

I cleared my throat loudly watching the boys body shift from behind the trunk of the tree. So he could hear me, and just was ignoring. I tried being nice but now he had my attitude beginning to make it's self known.

" I'm not a spy or anything," I stated hoping to provoke him into answering, I tried to adjust my position so I could get a better angle to look at the boy.

" Isn't that exactly what a spy would say?" He threw back waving his finger in the air, showing strong signs of sarcasm.

So he had a sense of humor, good to know.

As I attempted to come up with a come back for his last remark I was interrupted by his boyish voice speaking again,

" just out of curiosity." He started,
"how did you manage to cross the line?" The boy guarding me questioned, no sign of sarcasm his voice anymore. Was he being serious or was he just trying to confuse me?

I want to ask him if he was really confused on how I got into his camp, I mean, it wasn't hard. After following the long abandon bridge, I kind of just ran into that shy little redhead girl, next thing I knew I was put inside this prison with him hiding behind a tree.

Instead I opted for " Cross what line?" It was clear even to my own ears that I had no idea what he was talking about.

I think he thought I was playing dumb because the next words to come out of his mouth were,

The one who crossed the lineWhere stories live. Discover now