2. The Dispute

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"You're right Wells, the system is completely fried. If I had more to work with I could completely re-wire it but unfortunately the odds are against us." I shout to Wells from inside the dropship.

 It's completely dead, there's no way I can- wait. I hear something and it doesn't sound good. I jog out of the dropship to see a fight brewing. God, we've only been on earth for 9 minutes.

Some guy is pissed at Wells and probably with a good reason, but this is neither the time nor place to fight it out.

"Hey, hey, hey. Hands off of him, he's with us."  "Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are." "We're on the ground, that not good enough for you?" Bellamy states.

Oh god, Bellamy has joined the lovely dispute.

"We have to get to Mount Weather. You heard what my father said." Octavia looks pissed. "Screw your father." She says.

Welcome Octavia, to the becomingly large disagreement.

"What, you think you're in charge here? You and your little princess?"

And she dragged Clarke into this. Bravo. We're in for a lecture from Doctor Griffin. Get comfortable 

"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the Chancellor told us too but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be."

I'm inclined to agree. Alright, I may as well join in.

"Clarke's right. We need those supplies. Communication is totally busted. We're looking at a 20 mile trek. I suggest we get a party together and get started." I start to walk away but don't manage that much.

"I have a better idea. How about you three go and find it for us? Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." The crowd chants in agreement and I look at the Blake siblings. Bellamy looks pleased with himself and Octavia stands proud beside her brother giving me a cocky smirk. Game on, bitch.

Just as I'm about to handle it Wells decides he'll have a better shot.

"You're not listening. We all need to go." Goddammit Wells, this is not a better plan. The same guy from before replies, "Who made you the Chancellor of Earth?"

He attacks Wells. Wells falls to the ground but is up just as quickly as he fell. He's limping. Just as the other guy is about to hit Wells I cut in.

"Alright assholes, cut it out. You can test your masculinity some other day." Murphy lowers his fists and smirks at me. "And why should I, gorgeous?" I roll my eyes. "For a fair fight. The kid's got one leg. Wouldn't be much of a show, now would it?" He glares at Wells. "Watch your back, Chancellor." He turns to me, "Until next time, beautiful." I scoff as he walks away. So not my type.

I stay by Clarke while she tries to determine Wells' injury when Skywalker joins us.

"So, Mount Weather. When do we leave?" "Right now." Clarke answers. She looks at Wells and I. "We'll be back tomorrow with food." "How're the three of you going to carry enough food for a hundred?" Finn grabs two kids. "Five of us. Can we go now?"

"Sounds like a party. Make it six." Says Octavia. "Hey, what are you doing?" Asks Bellamy. "Going for a walk." She replies. Ah sibling banter. How enjoyable.

"Hey, were you trying to take this off?" Clarke asks out of the blue. She grabs Finn's wrist and I'm suddenly aware that she was talking about his somewhat damaged wristband.

"Yeah, so?" "That wristband tracks your vital signs. Take it off and they'll think you're dead." "Should I care?" "Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months because they won't if they think we're dying." Finn stays quiet. I wonder who he's got up there.

"Okay. Now let's go." "Sounds good." "Wait, no, Jada you're not coming." "And why the hell not?" "You have to watch after Wells." She motions for me to move closer. "And keep an eye on Bellamy. Watch him. Carefully." "Fine. Be back as quickly as possible. Bring weapons if you find any." She nods. This could be the beginning to a beautiful mutual agreement, dare I say, friendship.

She looks at Wells. "You shouldn't have come here."

The three of us, Wells, Bellamy and I watch the five of them walk off.

I go back into the dropship to search for any nutrition, weapons or other useful items. I find absolutely nothing.

"Hey Wells, you good?" I shout from inside. With no answer I walk back out to see Bellamy, Flirty McKiss-Ass and friend, plus no sign of Wells. They all look tense.

"Ooh, sorry boys. Am I interrupting something? Well, now that I have your attention, where's Wells?" "I don't know beautiful. Maybe he went to give out some orders now that he's the Chancellor." Seriously, this kid is relentless.

"You're hilarious." "The name's Murphy." "Congratulations." "This is the part were you tell me your name and fall madly in love with me." "Actually, this is the part where I give you a reality check. In your dreams little boy." "You will be." Bellamy cracks a smile and the other guy, whoever the hell he is, laughs. Ugh. I have never been more physically repulsed than I am now.

I walk not two feet away when Bellamy grabs my arm.

"What's your name?" "Jada. Kane." He recognizes my name and looks impressed. Everyone around here knows each other by name and reputation but can't put a face to a name.

"The girl who-" "Yep." "How?" "It's not easy. But enough about me. What about you Mr. Blake?" His face turns cold. "None of your business." He storms off. How interesting. How did a twenty-something year old get on a pod filled with delinquents under 18? He would've been floated for an crimes so he has to be clever. I must investigate this Bellamy boy.

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