Questions / Answers

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Q. What does it look like when someone's bullying you? I mean, what are the signs? How do you know you're being bullied?

A. Well it's quite simple really, but that's a good question. I'm glad you asked.
     1. if they do it once and it's accidental, that's RUDE. Let them know you don't like it. ("Hey, that was rude. Don't say stuff like that.") (Maybe even say PLEASE.)
     2. If they do it again, and it IS intentional, that's MEAN. Let someone know (an adult or even a teacher). 
     3. If they do it over and over, and they KNOW it's upsetting you, that's BULLYING. Report it IMMEDIATELY. If something isn't done about it, you can file a complaint. It's wrong for people to ignore bullying. You can even talk to the police about it.

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Q. I was told that CYBER BULLYING is now a crime, and yet, I asked my Mum and she said it wasn't. So... what's going on these days?

A. Cyber Bullying is DEFINITELY a crime. Make no mistake, Cyber Bullying has caused MORE DEATHS and SUICIDES than any other crime. Well, just about. You know that quote; sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me ?
That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. In case no one's noticed, Cyber Bullying has caused MORE SUICIDE's than FACE TO FACE BULLYING. 

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Q. Hey L, I was wondering, do you like music?

A. Not really. I mean, I hear music playing every now and then, but I'm not interested in listening to music. Most of my time is consumed by my job. I don't mind, I love my job. 

(Someone commented on that and said; No wonder you don't have a girlfriend! Man... you must have a pretty sad life.) ~ (... and whether you believe me or not, I actually chuckled at this. Even Watari was shocked. I didn't even chuckle that loud. Nor for that long. It was like... ONE time, and only for a SPLIT second... or 2 seconds at least.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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