C. 5

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*Please don't play the music yet*

Balder's POV


"I feel hot~"

"I'm sweaty everywhere."

"Everyone seems fine I see."

"Tsubaki-san." He was just walking down the stairs slowly and sighed at us. He walked over to us and placed a hand on Dionysus' forehead.

"If cold temperature can cause colds then rain sure can cause fevers." He pulled his hand away.

"You guys sure had fun." He said shaking his head.


"Good grief. If you wanna get well soon I'm suggesting you guys rest. And maybe place a cold towel on your forehead if you can."

"A fever. Is that like colds? Waah! Please don't tell uncle Hades, Aki-aki!!" Tsubaki-san just rose an eyebrow.

"Why would I need to? I already know what would happen if he knew."


"It's kinda obvious since he always says stuff about being his fault and all." He said chuckling a bit.

"Anyway. How is Balder the only one not sick?" He asked turning his head to me.

"Well. As the God of Light all things that will cause harm to me won't affect me."

"So the rain either avoided you or the rain didn't rain on you."

"That's right."

"Must be an advantage then." He said and I nodded and we then heard a door open.

"Kamiya." We all turned to the stairs and saw Hades-san.


"I need a word."

"Sure thing." He went up and they left and we heard the sound of a door closing.

"Uncle Hades and Aki-aki are close huh." We all turned to Apollon and nodded.

"They sure are. Why do you think so?"

"Maybe it's because they're both carriers." We all turned to Loki.

"I guess so too. Hades Aidonius and Tsubaki Kamiya are both similar in more ways than one."

"I guess. But Aki-aki is actually similar to more than just one person."

"Really? Who else would he be similar to?" I asked and Apollon pointed at himself.


"How is that freak similar to you? Your loud and he's too silent."

"Don't be mean Take-take! And why are you calling him a freak?"

"Because he is!! So?! What's it to you?!"

"You can leave it be Apollon. I've been called worse that freak." We all saw Tsubaki come down with a book in hand.


"Freak. Mistake. Useless. Idiot. Demon spawn. I've been called worse and the others are something's you don't want to hear because I can guarantee that it isn't pleasant." He said with a cold look sent to Takeru.

"Whatever. I'm out off here." Takeru said leaving the dormitory and Tsubaki just sighed.

"I really find people like him annoying. Get's on my nerves." He said as he sat on the chair opposite to me.

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