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Yui's POV

"We can't just not tell Zeus about this." 

"But if we tell father, Aki-aki will get hurt."

"I'm with uncle on this  one Apollon, that name he called out, Deimos, is the god of Terror. Have you forgotten? He was killed yet Kamiya, who doesn't know much about us called out that name."

"It doesn't matter."

"Apollon we have to te-"

"No! We are not telling father!"

Nii-san groaned and they turned to him. "Ugh. . . my head hurts." Everyone's attention were now nii-san. I quickly went over to kneel by his side and held his hand. "Nii-san." He groaned once more and winced. His hand shot up to his head and his eyes shut tight. "Ugh. . .Make it s-s-stop."

I frowned at his words and sat on the side of his bed and pulled him into a hug. His hands clenched on my shoulders while I soothingly rubbed his back and shushing him. "It's alright nii-san. It's alright." I said and I suddenly felt a wet feeling on my shoulder and shallow hiccups coming from him. "I'm sorry." I was confused by his  words and glanced at the gods who just stared at us. "There's no need to apologize nii-san." "It's my fault. . . All m-my fault. . . I'm so s-s-sorry." "Nii-san you don't ha-" "I'm so sorry Shiori."

I froze as I slowly looked down at my brother who was full on crying on my shoulder, muttering for forgiveness from Shiori-san. 'Oh no. Don't tell me. . . He's having those nightmares again?' I glanced at the gods and slowly moved my gaze towards the door and they understood. They all slowly filed out of the room, leaving me with my sobbing brother. I simply held him close to me, in hopes that my presence alone would soothe him.

'Nii-san. Please don't push us away. Not this time, especially when you need us.'

3rd Person's POV

Yui stayed in the room for a few more minutes until she was sure that her brother was asleep. Slowly leaving the room, after placing Tsubaki in a comfortable position in bed, she met the gods outside the room. All shared a look of confusion and pity. 

All gods were tense, the atmosphere was thick as they waited for the representative of humanity to leave the infirmary where their friend laid. Balder, Apollon, and Dionysus  couldn't stand still in one place, sometimes fidgeting their fingers on their uniform or biting their fingernails. Loki and Takeru were leaning on a pillar, staring down at the floor in tension. Hades and Thor looked unnerved but inside they were deeply worried for Tsubaki.

Upon hearing the click of the door open, all gazes were now on Yui as she slowly closed the door. All were immediate to walk over and bombard her with question - Apollon - but were stopped when they saw the look on her face. 

Eyes were brimming with tears and eyes full of emotions, namely; fear, worry, confusion, guilt and sadness. All just watched as she hiccuped and tears now cascading down her cheeks. "Yosei-san." Apollon called as he stepped up and embraced Yui in his arms. Yui's tears fell faster like a waterfall as her hiccups became loud sobbing. All gods didn't know what to say since they don't know how Yui really felt.

Yui, she felt helpless after seeing her own brother break down in front of her. Never has she ever seen Tsubaki cry. She has heard of him sob a few times, especially when Shiori died, but never has she ever witnessed her own kind-hearted and strong-willed brother break down. She wasn't ready to witness such thing. She wasn't even prepared for the time that Tsubaki might fall apart anytime. It was all just too sudden for her. Her heart felt heavy every time Tsubaki hiccuped and muttered an 'I'm sorry' to his former lover.

Staying in the arms of Apollo, everyone failed to notice Thoth heading their way. Thoth couldn't help but pity the human and her brother, not that he'll ever admit such thing. He saw the look she held as she left the room and the sudden break down in front of the gods caught him by surprise. He watched them from afar for a few minutes before deciding to go over and do as he was told. Clearing his throat loud enough for everyone to hear, Thoth dismissed the pointed looks directed at him. "Zeus wishes to speak with you." "Z-Zeus-san?" Yui hiccuped and he nodded making her bite down on her lower lip.

"Cadeceus-sensei, does she ha-" Before Apollon could finish, Thoth cut him off. "All of you." With those three words, all gazes on him now  shared confusion and concern. "All of us? Why?" Thoth wanted to retort something that made him deem to be his snappy self but decided against it. He sighed before turning on his heel and glanced by his shoulder. "I thinks it's time you all know why Kamiya was brought here." Yui and the gods stiffened at the mention of Tsubaki but none the less nodded as they followed Thoth lead them to Zeus' office.

Upon reaching the office, Thoth paid no mind to manners and just pushed the double doors open without knocking on the door. Everyone else followed him inside and there they saw Zeus sitting on his throne with a cold gaze. Thoth walked over to a nearby pillar and leaned on it while everyone else stood in the middle of the room.

"Now I  know that you are all confused about Tsubaki. However, what I am about to inform you isn't something that is easy to take in." Zeus started and Yui felt nervous about what he was about to tell them. The atmosphere was already heavy as it is, it almost felt as if she was being suffocated by the tension in the air around them. "Whatever it is, I'm absolutely sure that it won't change on how I view my b-brother." Yui said, voice shaky, cracking at the end as she met Zeus' piercing gold orbs. Zeus only hummed as he strode toward Yui, stopping to stand in front of her, Yui has never felt so small. "Your brother, Kamiya Tsubaki, is not human."

Yui has never looked so confused in her entire life. Zeus noticed this and sighed. Hearing the King of Gods sigh, Yui braced herself for his upcoming word but the next words that came out from his mouth was something she had never expected.

"Kamiya Tsubaki is a god, my grandson, and the son of the goddess of Strife and Disorder. He is the son of Eris. He is the incarnation of Phoebus and is the vessel of Deimos."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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