Mated to the Future Alpha

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**A/N: Thanks to Skye for inspiring me to write this. The prompt consisted of this:

--werewolf bxb; omega finds out he is mated to the alpha, which the alpha doesn't like so he rejects the omega; the omega is bullied and abused by everyone in the pack for being gay; the alpha mates with a girl, but doesn't fully mate with her; omega catches alpha making out with the girl and starts to cry and break down; include making out and whatever else; in the end, the alpha catches the omega talking to himself and saying he isn't good enough, and the alpha storms in saying all this cute stuff and what not; bother boys must be hot, but the omega doesn't think of himself as being hot; in the very end, the two mate.

Hope I got that right :)

Check out this site for a list of ranks and their description here:

New cover! Check out the new cover I created on Canva, in the media image. The reason the title is Mated on the cover is because I feel the name Mated to the Future Alpha is a bit of a mouthful, and so once I get around to transforming this into a full-fledged novel, the title will be changed to Mated. (11/10/16)

[WARNING] some scenes may contain mild swearing (I think the eff word is used about five times during the whole story), sex, nudity, abuse, bullying, and other mature themes. Reader's discretion is adviced. 

Copyright © 2014 by Gracilyn


"Pet, get up here now!" the voice of the packs Theta bellowed down the rickety stairs of the basement, which acted as my bedroom, storage space and laundry room. The Theta was the lead medic, and for her to call for me wasn't unusual during the summer months, when the pups were at their most wildest.

"Pet!" I jumped to my feet at the sound, my body surging with panic as I scrambled to get up the wooden planks to the closed door at the top.

Rushing through the kitchen and into the main level hallway, I raced toward the last door on my left, where I knew the Theta would be waiting -impatiently- for me.

"I'm s-so sorry Miss, I was d-downstairs doing la-laundry," I stammered, my head hung low in submission as I closed the oak door behind me.

"Enough of your excuses. Omega, bring me some ice from the kitchen, since it seems you forgot to refill my freezer with some," Beth, the Theta, snarled as she glared at me over the top of the injured pups head.

Before fleeing the room for ice, I quickly took in the scene in front of me. Beth stood beside one of the five beds near the back of the large room, her blue eyes narrowed behind black framed glasses as she examined the two year old pup sat on the starched white sheets. Her brown hair was pulled back into a perfect bun, her knee length black pencil skirt and red top hidden under the white lab coat, and a stethoscope laid around her neck. Beth was once a Lota in her early twenties. She held with great pride the knowledge of being one of the best herbalists in the pack, which ultimately earned her the title of Theta in her mid-thirties. Now she leads the new Lota's of the pack -two medics fresh out of med school.

I collected the ice from the kitchen and rushed back to Beth, who took the freezing ice cubes from my bare hands without even a bat of the eye in my direction. With my head hung low and my eyes cast to the ground, quickly retreated to the kitchen to begin washing the dishes from lunch and preparing the food for supper. The steam rolled off the pan like fog, filling me with dread and making me cringe as I plunged my bare hands into the scolding water, soap bubbles floating lazily on the surface. I didn't want a repeat of last time, when I earned five strikes of the whip for giving the Zeta's son a dirty plate. A zeta is the war general of the pack, which is a fairly high up position, meaning the disrespect I had unintentionally giving his son was an act worth a whipping. I shivered from the thought. I still had the scars on my back to prove it, among the many other marks that reminded me of each punishment I had brought upon myself. There was no way I would do something so stupid again. So to get all remnants of food off of the dishes, I willingly stick my hands in water hot enough to burn my flesh. It was a painful, but I could live doing this daily if it meant no more whippings.

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