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cockytommo: hiii haarryy

babyhoneyharry: hi Louis

cockytommo: what are you up to?

babyhoneyharry: I'm at college right now, eating lunch

cockytommo: oh I forgot my boyfriend is still in school

babyhoneyharry: nice try there mate but I'm not your boyfriend 🙄

cockytommo: let me LOVE YOU 😭

babyhoneyharry: what about you what are you up to?

cockytommo: at my job but it's so slow today

babyhoneyharry: where do you work?

cockytommo: this music place I'm the cashier

babyhoneyharry: that's nice I love music but I work at a bakery

cockytommo: a bakery do you bake stuff or just clean?

babyhoneyharry: I'm a great baker all the ladies there love me

cockytommo: mmh a ladies man huh not sure how I'm feeling about this 😒

babyhoneyharry: oh shut up they're all over forty 👵

cockytommo: doesn't mean they don't have eyes they must be all over you

babyhoneyharry: a few always try flirting with me it's flattering really

cockytommo: let them know you have a soulmate 😠

babyhoneyharry: you said we were soul mate FRIENDS

cockytommo: oh, right fine then date old ladies

babyhoneyharry: I would you know... if I wasn't gay

cockytommo: oMg that just increased my chances 😵

babyhoneyharry: you're impossible

cockytommo: impossible to forget 😎

babyhoneyharry: ugh

cockytommo: you know I do enjoy talking to you Harry

babyhoneyharry: I'm not saying it back

cockytommo: you're perfect 😍

babyhoneyharry: I've gotta go lunch is almost over ttyl

cockytommo: I'll miss you


I don't know what it is about this Harry guy that makes me keep flirting with him. He's obviously rejected me many times, maybe I should try finding someone new. I press the new random chat button and get connected instantly.

New chat with horannandos

What a weird name but I type out my message quickly.

cockytommo: hello

horannandos: sup mate

cockytommo: Are you into boys?

horannandos: sorry mate I've already got a boyfriend

cockytommo: darn

horannandos: we can be friends though right?

cockytommo: of course! where you from?

horannandos: Cheshire I moved here like four years ago

cockytommo: small world I swear I'm from Doncaster!

horannandos: fuck we're like an hour apart!

cockytommo: I know crazy I've actually just met someone from Cheshire on here too!

horannandos: I've got to go but talk about this later?

cockytommo: sure

Niall and Louis met 👀
Thanks for reading xx

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