Chapter 10

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Chris' POV

As we were sitting in the plain I was thinking what I woud say to her. How to apologize and how to get her to trust and want me again.I don't think I could cope with that when se will never forgive me. These past two years had been like hell for me.

Our pack had two plains. These were big enaugh for every one of us to fit in it with our suitcases. From the outside these looked white with black and pink stripes. In the intside these had baze seats.

When we landed we walked to the 4 busses and went in. They had been sending these busses to take us to the pack house. Bus trip wasn't long, but the pack slut Megan sitted with me and tried to talk me into sleeping with her.

"Hi Chris! I was thinkidg that mabe we could do do something in the bedroom when we get to the pack house. It would be fun."Oh god she was so annoing. I had satisfied my need with her every once or twice a week past twi years. It had been keeping my mind of Katherine for a while.But she wasn't and never would be Katherine.

"Megan piss of! I do not want to sleep with you anymore." Megan had been beautiful girl once but when she started whoring around and change her decent clothes to slutty ones she just wasn't this beautiful, sweet and innocent girl anymore.I had been ending it last night sence I knew that Katherine is alive and I will see her again and have a chance to apologize.

"Well you may not want me now but I promise that you will come crawling back to me."She said smirking. She strated to draw sircles on my chest with her hand but I showed it of. I really didn't want anything to do with that woman again. Yeah I mean she had been a good fuck but she had been just a replacement for Katherine.

"Whatever." I didn't want to talk to her anymore. She was so stupid to think that I would ever mark her as mine. I gotta admit that I almost did once mark her after I got rejected by my second mate but that was just because I was mad and sad.

When we reached to the pack house we saw they were waiting us in the front of the house. It was huge, much bigger than our pack house.Their pack was also bigger than my pack. I looked around trying to find Katherine but I didn't find her.

As we got closer a guy stepped out of the sircle of people. He was tall and good looking. Every wolf has their mark of what position their at. He was the beta.

"Hi you must be alpha Chris from the Fearless Moon pack. I'm the beta of the Red Moon pack." He said calmly. 

"Hi nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand. "Where's your alpha?" I asked. I wanted to know where my mate was.

"I'm right here." She said steppin out of the sircle of people. She looked amazing. She had been losing weight and now she was in perfect weight. Her beautiful blond hair were a lot longer. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes were sad but she was being strong.

"Katherine you've changed. You look beautiful." I told her. My pack looked shocked. Their jaws were almost on the floor. Her brother looked like he was about to cry any minute. I knew that he had been missing her a lot and regretting what he did to her.

"Yeah you know, Chris chances are what happen when the time passes." She said it so calmly and She was being so gold but what did I expect her to do after the way my pack and especially I hurted  her.

I wanted to say something to her but her brother interruptrd. His brother hadn't been messing with girl after Katherine left. He had just been sitting in her old room and cuddling her teddy bear and inhealing her scent.

"Katherine is that you? How can you even be an alpha?"He asked her sounding confused.

"Well hello to you to Aiden. And answers to your questiones are yes its me and my mate is... I mean was an alpha of this pack but sence rogues killed him I am the alpha." She said almost crying. All I wanted to do was to just hud him and tell her comforting words but I didn't because I knew she would push me away.

Before any of us could say a thing a little girl came running from the crowd. The beta guy came running after her. I didn't know why but I felt a weird feeling to do everything for this little one to be happy. I had no idea what was going on with me but this feeling of wanting to make this little girl feel happy and safe.

She ran to Katherine and putted her two little hands abowe her head wanting Katherine to pick her up.The beta got here a second after the little girl and looked at Katherine apologeticly.

Katherine smiled at the little girl so lovingly and then tickled her. The little one started to giggle. She looked a lot like Katherine. 

"Mommy whewe is daddy?Isn't he comming yet? The liile girl asked from her.She got a little mor sad but hid it guicly. Wait did she said mommy? What the hell?

"Mommy? You're her mother? I asked feeling a little irritated.When did she have a baby?Is it Dan's baby?

" Yes I am. She's my daughter." She said as calmly as possible.

"Is... Is she his?" God she looked so beautiful with the baby in her hands.

"Um... Nathen can you take her inside the house and put her to her crib?" She said looking at the sleeping girl in her hands.When this beta who's name was Nathan aperantlyhad gotten inside ses started talking.

"He wasn't her biological father but he was a father for her in other way." She said looking down at her feet.

"Then who's child is she?" I asked. I was confused.

"Yours..." She said. I was thinking about it a little. Than that must be the time I ra...raped her.

Oh My God I was a dad!

Katherine's POV

"Yours..." I said. He looked shocked.And after few moments his face turned happy. It was weird. I'd never thought that he would be happy tohave a child with me.

Just as he was about to say something the pack doctor came to ma and gave me a piece of paper. At first I didn't understand a thing but then he explaned.

"I was looking at the ultrasound once more and I discovered that there was not one baby but two babys. So I made a pointment for you to next Monday." He said to me. I saw that many of my pack members and my old packs faces were confused.

"Alpha are you pregnent?" One of my pack member Dominic asked.

"Yes I am and I will have twins!" I almost screamed for happiness.

"Katherine, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. What we did to you." He said with regret in his voice but I didn't have it in me to forgive him.

"Chris get up! Your sorrys are meanless caus the damage is allready done. I will never get back these times when I cryied. I will never have my virginity or innocence back. And you can't make it up to me in any way." 

" Please I will do everything for you to forgive me. We could start a new life together. We would raise our daughter and the twins and we would lead these two packs together." He was begging me. But I didn't care. 

"I was begging you to stop whan you raped me! Did you stop? No! You were laughing at my pain. And you Aiden! You were suposed to be my brother! You were suposed to protect me! Now when the damage is done don't come to beg for forgivness caus you ain't gonna find it from here! Especially from me! I was beyond furious as I kept going.

"You damn assholes, you think that you can just do something to other person and then want them to forgive you for just a little 'sorry'! You can be hurt right now and be ashamed of what you did then but that doesn't chnge the fact that you made my life a living hell!" I wasn't done yet but I saw that some people were scared of me right now so I tried to calm down.

Any one of these assholes said a thing anymore and I was glad they didn't. God knows what I would have done if any one of them would have said a thing.

"Nathen will you lead them to their rooms?" I asked calmly. He just nodded.

I walked away to my room to take a long shower.

So this was chapter 10! Did you like it? I would have made it longer but it's really late and I really need some sleep. There may be a next chapter tomorrow but it depends on my mood. :D:D

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