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Moonbyul POV

What happened next surprised me she literally just said

-Byul start a Vlive it'll be fun believe me

-OK Solar but you are the one who suggested it so if something crazy happens that's not me 'cuz in today's live I'll be the genius

-OK OK you can be the 'genius' anyway I'm always the prettier one

-Excuse me what did you say that I'm so pretty oh Yong you shouldn't had to say that I know myself that I'm pretty

-Ough whatever just start already

We started our Vlive with our iconic Byulkong Yongkong greeting (side note sorry I don'y know how they write korean perfectly so excuse my bullshit thx)

We continued our stupid things on the live I was so greasy towards Solar and of course she let it be but how can I not sense the uncomfortable look that she is giving me while I do that to her?

Okay I have another plan let's say to her do the 'Fighting' in different gestures

-Yong Do the fighting as you are swag


-Do it as you are the most prettiest


-Do it as a boy should do it

-Ah Fighting

-Do it cutely

-Hting. Ah I forgot to say it!

Yongsun POV

Ah I forgot to say it stupid Byul wanted me to do it okay then we play like my rules I simple pushed her side and she acted like I killed her

It's actually funny but I'm wondering if the producer wrote me back anything no one knows but I'll be in a show and I'm looking forward to it but I'm scared who I'm gonna get for a pair

Oh and I forgot to say it I hate when Byul greasy with me if the producer see this then I am dead and I won't get what I want which is a TV show

No it's not right to think about it now I need to focus on what we are doing right know, the momoos are my everything if they are bit exist I would be not here now

Back to my boring thoughts there was a time when I liked when Byul was cheesy with me but I started to hate it and I'm only playing along with her stupid 'lovey dovey' game

And I'm scared from myself that in the and I'll burst out and I'll hurt her that is the last thing I want to do she is one precious person in my life I don't know what will I do when she is not there anymore

Actually it scares me but I need to stop these thoughts there is nothing I should be scared about she is not hiding anything from me right?

Byul POV

We went home after our dinner and after the live ended but one thing is bothering me Yongsun is always glancing at her one like she is waiting for someone's text message

I don't blame her it just that she never done that before and if she thinks I'm stupid 'cuz I don't see it she is WRONG

I can see it and it triggers me sooo much but it's okay I am a calm person and I can patiently wait till she is done with her thing

The night lights are lightening her face perfectly how can she be this beautiful I would like to confess to her but I know it will just only ruin our relationship the 'friend zone' ship

Yep I know her almost five years now I have feelings toward her since our debout but never confessed to her

I appreciate her and admire her 'cuz she always just taking my greasiness and never say a word about it but I'm wondering where she will say stop to it

I know myself ai know I'll stop it but I trying to prepare my heart for it because it'll break my poor heart

I'm wondering what the kids are doing 🤔

Hwasa POV

Finally the unnies are not here so me and Whee In can play with MoonByul's PS4 yep she got a PS4 once from our fans

We are currently playing Call of Duty : Black Ops II. One of my favorite games oh and Whee In and me are doing other things too but shhh no one can knows that

I mean brah there is a ship called Hweesa and that ship is sailing sooo hardly I mean we became one two years ago

That was one of my favorite moments in life it was a beautiful day after Music Core...

Flashback :

-Ohm Whee In can we talk?

-Of course where?

-Ohm just follow me

Hwasa pulled Whee In in a corner of the stadium where is no one in fact

-So what were you wanted to ask little lion?

-So you know I just wanted to say... Argh this is harder then I thought

-Hey no problem are you shaking? Don't worry I don't bite

-Okay so I wanted to say that I'm a lion and  I think about you as my Lion mate and I was wondering you know if you can come with me for a d-da-date?

-Oh Hyejin ah yo are so cute while you suffer and I gladly go with you for a date

Hwasa and Whee In just looked at each other eyes for 4 minutes minimum before Whee In started to go closer to Hwasa

They were close just inches away and in the end they kissed they felt the love and the need in that passionate kiss but it was the wrong place and time



They quickly stepped aside from each other both face was so red and they laughed awkwardly

-Explanation NOW

-Unnie we can explain

-I'm looking forward to it you guys got 10 minutes to explain...

To Be Continue


So yep another lame chapter from me if you see any problem in the story or you have some critic to me just write to me I'll gladly accept anything and I'm wondering if anyone read this just only one person but that's my bullshit for this chapter


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