
17 0 0

Warning: swearing


I am...I'm...I don't know. My memory was fuzzy and blurred. I was surrounded by darkness and the smell of dirt. Why is it...where am I? I laid on my back in a straight line. Arms by my side and legs rested together. No matter where I looked, darkness. It was eerily silent. The only thing I could hear was my own rapid and shallow breathing.

I finally moved my hands away from my side to in front of my face. I only moved for about a second before I felt something soft? I wasn't sure. It felt something like a bed sheet but it have a hard backing to it. Panic rose to my chest. I hit the material. The sound was dulled by what I assumed was dirt.

More panic flowed through my body as I hit it once more. And again. And again. And again...nothing. The smell of dirt filled my nostrils. Once more, I hit above me for the last time. Dirt came through the sides and into the tight box that I was inside of. Fuck. I thought as I lowered my hands over my mouth. I looked to the sides of myself. Nothing but fabric. I tried to speak but my throat did not make a sound. Not even a croak. Fucking fuck! My heart began to race even more and my breathing picked up to the point I was almost having a full on panic attack.

I'm buried...aren't I?

My head rung. I couldn't see anything only increasing my worries. I knew I wouldn't have a lot of oxygen left if I kept breathing so much but I couldn't stop. I tried for minutes to slow my breathing but death was staring me in the face and I wasn't ready to die. I can't die yet. My brain raced with thoughts. Why is this happening to me? Where was I before this? I can't even remember who I am. I sobbed. My cries muted from the outside world by the thick layer of dirt. I could only sob harder. And harder. And the air felt thick to breathe.

A voice stopped me. "**** ******* was a lovely ***** lady. She ******* life to *** **** potential." Listening to the muffled words I could make out a few words. Hope filled my chest. I tried to yell out to aware them of the situation but nothing came out. And the hope slowly faded. They can't hear me...can they? I listened to the muffled voices until I could no longer breathe properly. My throat gasping for air, but receiving very little. My chest began to burn at the lack of oxygen. My head began to spin.

I clasped my throat, somehow hoping that would give me some more breathe. But no more came. I lay there, slowly dying below those who thought I was already dead. And none of them could hear me as I gave the lid of the coffin my last soft hit.

My right arm fell onto my stomach as my left slowly lost its grasp from around my neck. My eyes never leaving the lid as I slowly died with fear and hatred still burning in my eyes.


I hope you enjoyed this horrible one shot that I made. It sucks I know but I was bored and I haven't written a story in a long time so ya.

Its a short one but I felt like posting something. Also this is not edited. Sorry


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