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-Normal POV-

"So....what are we suppose to do about this situation?" Tokoyami voiced out what everyone was thinking at the moment.

The reminding students look lost as they stared at the 3 kids who returned the look back with a dumbfounded expression. Except for Bakugo of course, he continued glaring at the brunette with hateful eyes. However, that baby-face appearance of his does not make it as intimidating as his 15 year old self.

"Now stop scaring Tsuna-chan." Yaoyorozu gently chided like how a mother would. She simply can't help herself even though she knows Bakugo hates being treated like that. Her brain knows that they are still the same person she knew inside, but their outward appearances are just too adorable to ignore.

"Shut up Ponytail! Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo growled, unleashing small explosions in his hands as his temper slowly gets the best of him. Tsuna couldn't help but let out a small terrified yelp and hid behind the closest person next to him, which just so happens to be Mineta.

"Hey hey hey! Get away from me kid! I only want girls touching me." Mineta tried to push Tsuna away from him but with one glare from the girls, he stopped what he was doing and decided it's best to do nothing because whatever he does, will surely end up offending the girls.

Chrome walked up towards his small boss and picked him up gently, settling him in the crook of her arm. "Don't worry Bossu. Till you're back to normal, I will protect you." She said softly, almost in a whisper that the only person who heard it was Mineta.

"T-Thanks Chrome....." Tsuna thanked her with a bashful smile.

Oh how jealous Mineta was of the young brunette. Gritting his teeth, he observed how everyone in class was fawning over their de-aged classmates. Midoriya is stuck in a tight embrace by Yaoyorozu, who finally gave up her constraints and couldn't stand not hugging something that adorable. Bakugo was growling at the girls, daring them to touch him and pay the consequences of his wrath. However, right now, Ashido couldn't let this golden opportunity to tease the blonde boy slip through her fingers. She is determined to cuddle him no matter the cost. Besides, the firepower of a 5 year old Bakugo is no biggie at all much to his dismay.

"Stupid kids.....Stupid bazooka...." Mineta grumbled under his breath. "Why can't I get hit by it too?" As soon as he said it, an idea popped into his head. "That's right!" He exclaimed as he hit a fist onto his palm. "Why didn't I think of it before? I'll just get the weird bazooka thing from that cow and shoot myself with it. That way, I can become a kid and all the girls will come flying over to me! Genius! Muhahahahaha!!!"

"Erm.... You do know that we can hear you Mineta." Yaoyorozu scowled in disgust.

"No one will come flying to you, even if you're the last man on Earth." Jiro glowered.

"And seeing how small you are now, you'd most likely disappear if you turn any smaller." Ashido laughed.

"Shut up!" Mineta shouted, his face turning red. "A guy can dream can't he? It's so unfair that those 3 get all the attention!" Mineta pouted and stomp his feet like a 3 year old on a tantrum. Even the 5 year old Tsuna looked at him with embarrassment.

Numerous footsteps were heard outside and the door open up to reveal a stressed out Kaminari and a few worn out faces. In his hands was the de-aged Todoroki; held up like a kitten and with that stoic face as usual.

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya cried out in relief. He wiggles out of Yaoyorozu's embrace and trotted as fast as he could with those short legs of his towards the clueless boy.

"Midoriya-kun." Todoroki greeted. "You look smaller than usual." He stated monotonously.

Everyone could feel a large droplet of sweat come rolling down their faces at how clueless their classmate is. He may be smart in his studies, he may be gifted with a special quirk, but his awareness needs some work. Not to mention his people skills.

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