The Alpha has A Secret Chapter 9 The War Of The Gods Part 1

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We left the closet and I smiled at my mate as he walked off to his next class.

"My god that boy's wolf drives me insane"

"Shut up Henry I don't wanna hear that shit."

"Well, you have your mate and I got mine. I don't complain when you moan his name in your sleep!" My horny ass wolf just had to add that in. 

I got to AP Biology before I received a text. 

I know what you are... Your power will be used for a greater purpose than protecting a puny pack... King

King? What could he mean by that? Before I could reply a bunch of werewolves busted into the classroom and grabbed me. "WHAT THE FU-..." My vision went black. 

I woke up in a ceremonial room bound by silver chains that burned my skin. One man rose up as his eyes were glowing blue. The whole room was dark so all I saw were his glowing eyes with a trail of cosmic energy. "P-Please... Stop..." Before I knew it I looked over to the darkness and the room filled with glowing eyes staring right at me. 

"Moon goddess we bring you the man of legacy! We sacrifice his soul in your name."

I looked up at the man before he started drizzling wolfbane on me. It felt like acid as it started burning my skin causing me to scream out in pain. 

"Moon Goddess, we bring you, your new child. King of werewolves!"

Unknown POV 

I looked at Jordan as I had a celestial dagger in my hand. "FOR THE MOON GODDESS!" I screamed before running the dagger into his heart. Blue lightning flew out of his mouth and eyes. His arms turned into lightning and same with his legs. Before we knew it a big blast of blue energy erupted from his chest causing a tree-like figure made of pure celestial energy to emerge. 

"Come forth, my child"

I couldn't believe it! A figure of pure celestial power came forth from the tree and reached out its hand for me. I felt compelled to grab it. When I grabbed it the whole world went dark. It was like all the life had been sucked out of the room. The figure quickly turned to flame as it revealed... Ares! The god of war! "HAHAHA Puny mortal! you thought the moon goddess would reward you for killing an innocent!" 

"P-Please spare me!" I looked around to see all the blue eyes turn to flame... Moon goddess what have I done?!

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