head explodingly funny

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Jojo sat in the back of the classroom today, too embarrassed to sit anywhere else.

she tried to stay home by pretending she was sick, but a thermometer in the mouth after a hot cup of coffee didn't work. apparently she wasn't the first person to register 55 degrees celcius hot in her family. her dad had tried that one. So had her older sister.
she had no choice, she got up, and she came to school.

she made sure that she arrived right on first bell so as not to come across the pair of them, or any of their mutual 'best friends'. she slipped quietly into her first period english class, and headed straight for the back seats. There she sat, with the other losers and outcasts.

'OMG', she told herself, 'i'm in the same back row as the potheads and the freaks. great! i hope this is not my permanent spot?

the last two rows of students all at some time looked at her with the same questioning 'what the heck are you doing here' look.
She was popular. Cool and connected.
Not one of them.
she hunched down into her seat. she tried to only look at her Ipad as the teacher droned on about nouns, verbs and prepo-somethings.

she stole glances at them. her very recent ex boyfriend, and her obviously now ex best friend.

they sat next to each other and looked back and forwards with those sickening 'i love you' smiles that the jerk used to send her.
her anger built and she squinted hard at the both of them willing their heads to explode, or at least big pus filled boils sprouting on their lips. she pictured the mess of exploding heads, preceded of course by the pain of puss filled kisses.
and she smiled a mischievously evil smile.

she hated them both so much right now.

she had gone to visit him as a surprise, as she had originally planned to be out of town at her aunties place, one city over

there they both were,

she saw her so called friends car parked in the driveway. she never thought anything of it as they always visited each other, her boyfriend and her best friend.

she let herself into his house as she usually did, and there they were on his parents couch.

she screamed

it was the loudest most primal scream she could muster, then she turned, walked out, with him running after her calling her name

'Jojo babe, it just happened, sorry babe,but we love each other, Jojo wait i can explain.'

'whatever' she thought to herself,

She took off as fast as her bike would take her, back to her shame and her anger.

they had both betrayed her, and all she could do was visualise their exploding heads, or pus filled boil infested lips.

'you actually need to close your eyes to make it seem more real', the boy next to her commented. 'the whole exp;oding head thing, it looks better with your eyes closed.'

Jojo looked over, and saw who it was. it was Doug, her so called best friends boyfriend, actually now ex boyfriend.

'i tell you its looking better with my eyes closed. and now i can replay it in slow motion, and actually get some added fun from it, try it Jojo.'

so Jojo closed her eyes, visualised what she really wanted to see, and smiled.

yep he was right she agreed, it does look better this way.

she watched as their brains splattered all over their mutual best friends, and a eyeball actually landed in the teacher's mouth as he opened it in shock to the exploding love birds directly in front of him. she burst out laughing. really hard, and extremely loud.

the whole class turned to look at the spectacle of Jojo cracking herself up

'Jojo' the teacher yelled, 'i didn't know that prepositions could be so funny, you want to share the joke young lady?'

she smothered the laughs by placing her hand on her mouth, and eventually she stopped. She first looked at the pair, and then at the teacher,

'sorry sir, i just saw something that was head explodingly funny, i'm alright thank you sir, carry on with your prepo-whatsits, i'm good now,. I've got it sir.'

everyone turned back to the front, the two objects of her visualisation looked at each other, then they turned to the front as well.

'see i told you, now try making their faces melt off, gory i know but so much better than feeling sorry for ourselves' Doug whispered.

Jojo nodded in agreement,

maybe this wasn't going to be a bad day after all,

she smiled at doug,

'hmm you are actually quite cute' she thought to herself, 'i never really noticed that before.'

and then she closed her eyes again in order to make some melted and slippery facegoo pour all over the classroom floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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