What? (Guanyi)

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Imagine you go moved to Beijing and attending a completely new school.

Ring! Ring!
A far too loud alarm rang in my head. Well, it was my first day of a new school life in a totally different country and this ringing was one of the many that I would be awoken by in the next who knows how many years.

I got dressed quickly and met my mother in the kitchen downstairs.
"You woke up already, dear?" My "Captain Obvious" mother said, sipping her mug of coffee.

"No, I'm still asleep and somehow slept-changed into my new school uniform and slelptwalk down here! Of course I'm awake!" I joked. While some people may think this was a far too rude way to respond to your parents, I have been replying my mother this way ever since the start of time.

Our mother-daughter bond was very strong and we basically talked just like the way close friends did.

"Well, whatever you say then. Now, quickly have your breakfast! Your bus is coming soon!" My mother rushed.

*Time skip brought to you by the amazing front walkover Dianjia is somehow able to do*

My ticket to school arrived just after I finished up my breakfast. I waved 'goodbye' to my mother and rushed out of the house. I got up the bus, only to see a couple of people here and there. They were either chatting with one another or basically snoring their heads off.

Me being me and wanting to avoid whatever was happening up front, I decided to make my way to the back of the bus.

I took a glimpse at who else was at the quiet back and found a boy, peacefully reading a book on historians. I sat down beside him and placed my bag by my feet.

Wanting to start a conversation, I plucked up the courage and introduced, "Hello there! My name is y/n. What's yours?"

The boy looked up from his book with a wide smile and replied, "Guanyi, Liu Guanyi!"

"Nice to meet you! I'm a new student in Hongying Institution (made this name up), would you mind just showing me around the school when we get there?" I smiled.

"Hongying Institution? What's that? I don't think this bus goes there!" Guanyi replied, a concern look appeared.

"What?" I exclaimed. My heart skipped a bit. I went on the wrong bus! What am I going to do?

Just as I was panicking, I heard laughing overcoming my worries.

"I'm just kidding! Don't be so gullible!
And, sure, I would love to show you around Hongying Institution," Guanyi assured. I rolled my eyes at the way Guanyi set his first impressions of himself.

What a way to start a new school life!

So it's basically 10.41p.m. and I have an examination tomorrow! I'm so good at looking after myself!!

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