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Pang's POV

I Barely sleep after that, Wave left me there hanging without explaining to me. Well, maybe he doesn't want me to know his secrets and that's not my business too.  But, what could it be? I badly wanted to know.



I touched my head where Nack hit me with his book. That hurts really especially he used his science book.

"What's your problem? You look lost again for the nth time."

We were walking in the corridor, he waited for me to finished my lunch before going back in his room.

I didn't bother to answer him cause my attention was caught by the students who's gossiping around the announcement board. When I look closely at it I saw the reason why some girls are blushing, it was a  ranking for most famous guys in the school and guess what? Wave topped the chart. Tsk.

"You don't have to be surprise. He got it all, the wits and the face. Tho I hate his guts, I  admit you cannot beat him with power."

I look at Nack and he is really serious right now. I look back at the board and stare at his face, he's handsome yes plus the fact that he is cold to everyone makes him more mysterious.

"Let's go"

I said then started walking, when were about to separate ways I look back at Nack and he waved at me, I waved back and he just nodded.

When I came in the room the teacher is already there so I immediately walk  to my desk. He is eyeing me again as if he wants to swallow me alive.

He started lecturing and ofcourse being a good student I was, I didn't bother listening at all.


Placement test came and everyone here in the room is seriously answering the questions. I wasn't expecting that the test will be this easy. It's just the same test we are getting in the lower years. It might look easy tho, but the truth is I didn't know a thing about it, I look at the exam papers for minutes before deciding to just guess everything, when I am about to stand up to pass my paper loud sound interrupts me it is so loud I had to cover my ears because of it.


I cursed under my breath, this is way worst than the last time. I was just confused because when I look around everyone in the room seemed normal. Can't they hear it?

"Placement test 2018. Goodmorning students, the examination for placement test is about to end. For your last question please answer at the back of your answer sheets."

I look around again to see if my classmates were listening too but then they don't seem to bother look around the way I did. I look at the speakers and I don't know if the sounds are coming out from there.

"This is your last question, How does the mind-body connection affect our emotions? You will be given 5 minutes to answer this question. Time starts now."

I look around for the last time before looking at my paper. I shook my head and decided to take the risk and answer the question.

After that I stood up then passed my paper. When I reached the teacher's table he look at me confused.

"Are you finished already?"

My eyebrows crossed before nodding. What is he talking about? He hesitantly accept my paper before looking at it he nods and let me go out. My classmates look at me confused and as if they were talking with their eyes.

Did I guessed it too fast? I went out of the room and was surprised to see Wave getting out of his classroom too, wait, how am I able to see him this far? He is looking at me and I saw a sudden reaction passed his eyes but I can't name it.

He walk to me and I don't know why but I just stood there frozen. When he came near me he stops infront of me inches apart.

"What are you, really?"

He looks me deep in my eyes and I couldn't understand a bit about what he said.

"W-What do you mean?"

He steps closer to me still not breaking our eye contact.

"I wan't to know who you are and what you can do."

I gulped. What the fxck?


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