Part 1

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That day, all she wanted was fruit, which was her favorite food. Just simply in and out, then she could retreat back to her home to eat in peace. But everytime she walked out, everyone stared at her! Jeez you have one unusual thing in your appearance and everyone picks you out.

All eyes were on her as she walked through the doors and winced as the cold air blasted in her face. She sighed and ran a hand through her startling pale hair. Bracing herself, she went out and ducked her head, trying to avoid all the stares.

Quickly she went over to the fruit section and picked out her favorites as fast as she could. God, they were staring at her as if a Kardashian had went out in public wearing modest clothing.

When she was done, she rushed away, her hand clutching her precious cargo of chicken, berries, and a bunch of other fruit.

The silent crowd had been quiet ever since she walked in but now they hooted and hollered and jeered. They reached out towards her and her eyes widened. As fast as she could, she ran back home.

Her home was modest. With just two rooms, not much could be done. Her caretaker, Nona, had left for the night. She walked past her living quarters, which was littered with wrappers and objects, towards the room where she slept. Dumping her meal onto the soft bed of blankets, she tore into the food. She had waited for so long because she would prolong going outside to grab meals; she tried to extend the maximum amount of time possible without people staring at her.

With a heaving sigh, she settled down in the cold corner of her cave and tried to get some sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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