Hoping against Hope

42 22 20

I should stop,
Expecting more ?
I never learn, it seems

It should not be new
And yet,
Each time,
It is like I've never been here
I never threaded  this path of pain
I never surfed this sea of anguish

Does it pierce sharper,each time?

Like an opened wound,
Ripped opened  and still healing
Ripped opened,
Wide again with new plus ones

The scabs, a reminder always
Ripped opened, over and over again

And the throbing,
Seemingly a heartbeat on its own

And every time it happens,
Though expected,
Knocks out every single breath

Leaving me, gasping for breath?
Gasping for more

Hoping and hoping yet again,
Hoping against Hope.

Heya Dearies,
It's a new update, I hope you enjoy  it.
And oh Dearies, still waiting for your comments about the wattys.
         Paris ♥

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