Here lies my Heart ,
On it scar crisscross
Pieces gone and chipped;
You could hardly know it's true shapeHere lies my Soul,
Blackened with a darkness
That shadows the sunHere lies my Spirit,
Weak and strong, all at once
Broken on a numberless time
Fallen and risen like the sun
Unbeknownst to funHere lies my Body,
Hiding every trace of pain
Covering every trail of anguish
Shield us;
Heart, Soul and Spirit.Heya Dearies,
It's another update . I want to specially thank you my readers, you've been such a support. Your votes, comments and shares. It's been quite amazing, thank you.
Once again I'd like you to vote on the story by clicking that little star and oh do comment, I really want to know about your thoughts on the poems.
Paris ♥