Chapter Two.

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The tension was unbearable, Heather stared at the floor yet she could still feel Naya's gaze piercing into her.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened back there?" Naya's dictation suddenly changed from firm, to soft.

Heather threw her head back, searching for the right words to say. But no matter how hard she tried, or how hard she pushed, the only thing she could string together was:

"I don't know,"

The moment those words slipped her tongue, she regretted it-knowing full well what would come next.
Heather expected Naya to explode, she expected her to start kicking and shouting until she got her way like she usually did. But...she didn't.

Gingerly, she looked up. Only to see the pained expression that painted Naya's face.
As the sun began to set, rays of sunlight streamed in through open blinds. The glistening in Naya's eyes was unmissable.

Heathers heart sank, it felt like somebody had delivered a hard-blow punch straight to her stomach.
She couldn't bear the sight of her best friend crying, but she also couldn't bear the idea of losing her best friend if she told her the truth.

"I thought we were friends, the kind of friends who could tell each-other anything without fear of judgement." Naya began to get up from her seat. "I guess I was wrong," She growled as she made a break for the door, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

In that second, it was as if all the memories of the pair came flooding back to Heather.
Was she really willing to throw all of that away over something that probably wasn't even a big deal?

Heather groaned, pushing herself up from the chair and turning on her heel in pursuit of Naya.
The brunette was nearly out the door, when Heather grabbed her hand, pulling her back.

"Naya. Don't go." Heather begged, her bottom lip was quivering now. Naya could never say no to that, it was her one weakness. Her kryptonite.

An awkward silence resonated between the two. Before Naya sighed in defeat, shaking her head as she began to laugh, a hearty chuckle.

"Fine, but you owe me answers." It was refreshing to see Naya's face light up again, she stood there rolling on the balls of her feet like a gassy infant.

"I know, but just not here. Taylor could be home any minute and I don't want him getting involved," Heather paused, pondering in her thoughts for a moment. "There's a new bar downtown, we could check it out? My treat."

"Has anyone ever told you, Heather Morris that you're a sheer genius?" Naya giggled, taking Heathers hand in her own and dragging her along. "Come on, I'm parked outside."

The first thing Heather noticed was how soft Naya's hands were.
The second was how they made her feel. Her heart skipped a beat as Naya's grasp only tightened.

What was going on with her today?

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