Part 2

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My heart was for sure about to explode. It was midnight already and me and Yoongi have been texting since 5.

Yoonie♡: I don't sing at the park because i can't sing


Yoonie♡: No u

I'm really tierd

Yoonie♡: Tierd?

Fuck off

Yoonie♡: You wish

I'm going to sleep, see ya tomorrow.

Yoonie♡: Night Jimin♡.

I'm blushing madly. I mean, I'm going to see him tomorrow! Not in the park! Together! In his favorite café! I'm so excited. Should i get him a gift? What will i wear?

I shift around under my blanket, tired as fuck, but too excited to sleep. I couldn't stop smiling.

My phone dings.

Yoonie♡: Go to sleep

I giggle and plug my phone in, shortly after i fall asleep, dreaming of the day to come.

Next Morning 10:32 a.m.

"Shit." I look in the mirror and I'm a mess. I quickly hop in the shower, making sure I smell heavenly, I use my grapefruit body wash. Well, i also shave ;>. I haven't been on a date in almost 2 years, let alone be kissed in a couple months. I don't even know if this is a date.

I grab some black skinny jeans and a white, silk, button up. I look like sex and smell like heaven. Yep, I'm ready.

I show up at the doors of Winter coffee. Interesting name. I walk inside and see Yoongi at a booth near a window in the back. He's wearing a pair of dark green jeans with a long sleeved led zeppelin shirt. I walk to the booth, making sure I looked amazing with every single step. "Hi" I say, standing in front of the booth. He looks up and smiles at me. "Hey." I look at the seat, "May I sit here?" He was distracted from looking me up and down and looked at the seat. "Yeah, of course." I smile and sit down.

"Iced Coffee is the best no matter what." He says. "Nope, i think hot coffee is the best no matter what." I say, crossing my arms on my chest. "Well, you're either delusional or you've never had iced coffee." He mocks me and crosses his arms. "I've had it, i just don't fancy it." He chuckles slightly. "How about this," He leans forward and puts his crossed arms on the table. "I order myself your regular coffee and i get you my regular coffee?" I bite my lip softly and sigh. "Fine, but I'll wait here." I say as he stands up. "Fine, what's your usual?" "Black."

I watch him order and come back with both of our coffees. God, he is so amazing. "Here is your iced white mocha sir." He says, laying the clear cup in front of me. "And here is my... Black coffee." He says sitting down. He continues to stare at it like it's poison. "Come on, Lets take a sip." I say, poking his hand. We both look at each other and take a drink. He shuts his eyes and puckers his lips. Cutie. I take a sip and lick my lips. "That is - different." Yoongi Smiles softly.

"You walked?" Yoongi looked around at the different street signs. "Yeah, i like to stay active and traffic's a bitch." I say. "Well I'll walk you home?" I smirk slightly and look at him, "Don't get any ideas." He sighs and looks at the ground. "Don't worry, I'm a gentleman."

The entire time on the walk home we each talked about where we lived and our pets and stuff like our favorite foods. He kept getting flustered and making stupid jokes. "This is it." I innterrupt him before he finished his sentence about his cat licking his cheek. "Oh, It's artsy." "It's a shithole and the Landlord's a horny jerk." I say. "Well put." He smiles and so do i. He was playing with his fingers whilst we shared an awkward silence between us. "Thanks for the coffee and i really hope we see each other again." He smiles softly and i lean in for a kiss but he leans back. "I-I'm sorry," He looks down at his feet, "Oh,.. Sorry." I open the door but before i walk in i hear him say behind me. "I'll text you Jimin, stay safe." I ignore him and start walking up the stairs.

5:28 p.m.

I just got off the phone with my downstairs neighbor. His name is Noel and we usually get drunk and hook up when we're angry or need to releave some stress. Sadly, he's in the carribeans with his friends. I talked to him about Yoongi and all he had to say was "BeT hE hAs A rEaSoN." and then had to leave to go to a bar with his friends. Asshole. Yoongi hasn't even texted me since this morning! I bet he just wants to be friends. I'm fucked.

Yoongi: Jimin, I'm sorry about the kiss.

What kiss?

Yoongi: You know what i mean.

Actually i don't. We didn't kiss at all so why call it that?

Yoongi: Just let me explain? Please?

Fine, go on.

Yoongi: I just got out of a long term relationship and I'm just not ready for another one.

Was i asking you to date me? It was a kiss.


I'm sorry, How long was the relationship?

Yoongi: 2 years and 3 months


Yoongi: Yeah

I'm sorry


I felt really bad. I wasn't trying to get him in my bed or anything, i shouldn't feel bad. Fuck. I slowly curl up under my covers and cry silently. I can't even have a relationship let alone kiss a guy on the cheek. Hook ups is all i'm good for. I wish I was different. Fuck, Jimin, Why can't you be different?

Flashback~3rd person

"Jimin, Please just leave."

"I don't care Tae, please, i want to stay."

"Why would i cheat on you if i wanted you to stay? Do you think i did it because you satisfied my every need? Do you think i did it just for kicks only to go back to the life we have? I don't want you anymore Jimin."


"Leave the key on the counter please."

Jimin already had puffy eyes and tears were still falling down his rosy cheeks. He shakily put his key on the counter like Taehyung had asked. He grabbed the bag full of sketchbooks and drawings he made of taehyung that was sitting on the ground. He took small steps towards the door before he reached it. His heart was racing and he felt his breath catch in his throat. Taehyung walked behind him and gave him a gentle back hug.

"I'll always love you"

Those words alone made Jimin break down crying, knowing that he would never love Jimin the same again, at least how he wanted Taehyung to love him. Jimin took a couple steps forward and heard the door shut behind him. He turned around and stared at it, sobbing, until he was tired enough to go to his car.

End of Flashback

My guitar gently weeps ~ M.yg P.jmWhere stories live. Discover now