Part 3

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5:20 a.m.

My alarm is blaring. I smack the snooze button and swing my legs over the side of the bed. "Fuck." I take a sip of the water on my nightstand from last night. Stumbling to the bathroom, i look in the mirror and see my eyes are droopy and red, my lips are puffy and chapped, and my hair is tangled. Great, 20 minutes till i have to be at work and i look like this. I grab a comb and try to fix this mess.

I finally look somewhat presentable and head out the door, wrapping myself in a puffy coat and a hand knit scarf i got from Taehyung. I don't wash it because it still smells like our home, well... his home.

I hate walking alone, yet i do it all the time. It's about ten minutes till i show up at my job, so i pop my earbuds in and listen to some music. When i usually would walk through the park, i ignore it and take a longer way. I don't want to see Yoongi, It'll just make me sad.

2:00 p.m.

"Bye Lola." I pet the library cat before heading out the door. She mews softly and purrs before i open the door and head out. I wanted to stop by the park like i usually do everyday to draw Yoongi, except, it's different. It's very different.

I show up to my usual spot and he's there. I stop myself from staring at him and sit at my usual spot across from him. He's playing one of my favorite songs that i told him about yesterday. He's so sweet, he remembered.

I get up and walk over, sitting next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. Closing my eyes and getting lost in the song, singing all the lyrics in my head. Once the song ends, i don't move. I stay with my eyes closed, head resting on his shoulder. i felt something hot by my arm, i opened my eyes to see him holding out a black coffee. "Since it's your favorite."

After he gave me the coffee we sat there, in that position as he played his music and i hummed occasionally. I opened my eyes when i felt a hand on my thigh. "Oh,.. hi." He says with a soft smile. "I didn't know if you were sleeping." He moves his hand off my thigh looks away at his guitar case, displaying a very disappointing 3 dollars and 25 cents. "Sorry if i scared off everyone." He looks back at me and chuckles. "With you here i got 3.24 more than usual."

I sipped my coffee, now cold, as Yoongi walked me home. "He left me after a long time because he got "bored"' Yoongi said and held up his hands doing quotations. "To believe i was going to propose." SHIT. I spit my coffee out and coughed like my lungs were giving out. "Jimin?! Are you okay?!" I wave Yoongi off and stifle my coughs, nodding my head up and down as if I'm not choking to death. I take a deep breath and pretend like nothing happened, continuing to walk down the street as Yoongi did the same, shooting me concerning looks time and time until he says something. "So, what about your exes?" I swallow hard and attempt to concentrate on something. "C-can we not-" "You don't have to tell me, I'm sorry." He notices my apartment building better than me and stops us. "Jimin?" "Yeah?" Yoongi hugs me softly. His racing heartbeat beating against my own. "I can't believe anybody ever hurt you... I'm so sorry." I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into it, never wanting the hug to end. I haven't been hugged in a long time and for the one and only Min Yoongi to be the person hugging me made me feel like the most precious person in the whole world. Sadly, i pulled away from the hug gently. "Would you like to come meet Wasabi?"

I unlocked the door and we stepped inside, the smell of vanilla hitting my nose. "Sorry if you don't like the smell but i like it to smell amazing and well," I slip my shoes off and look at Yoongi as he watches me, "This smells amazing." I turn around and head to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing two beers. "You drink?" He walks to the kitchen and stands in front of me. "What do you think?" I roll my eyes and hand him a beer, walking past him to the couch, where my kitty, Wasabi, was sleeping. He followed and we sat next to each other, our thighs rubbing against each other ever so slightly. "So, how did he get that name again?" I smiled and looked at Yoongi. Boy this was going to be a long night.

"You're vegan?!" "Hell yeah!" I responded enthusiastically. "The only meat i like is on a tall, rich, chiseled guy." Yoongi laughs, his gums showing. How have i never noticed this? Oh yeah, he never smiles. "Sadly, I'm only one of those things." I raise my eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." "Fine. Lets see? You're definetly not tall-" "And you're one to speak." "Shut the fuck up." I take a sip of my beer and continue, "You're definetly not chiseled and not rich sooo-" "Who said i'm not rich?" "Your clothing taste sweetie." He huffed and nodded. "Fair enough."

2 more hours later and we're drunk. Not hammered, not buzzed, just drunk, watching shark attacks and talking about how we'd want to die. "Well, getting eaten by a shark would be pretty great." I gasp and stare at him. "You're fucking crazy, i would rather die of natural causes, holding the hand of the one i love in front of a beautiful sunset." I lean my head back on the couch and turn it to look at him. "Jimin?" "Yeah?" "Can i kiss you?" He asks. "What? Dumbass, you're not supposed to ask the person." "Consent is key." I sigh and roll my eyes, looking back at the Tv.

"I think you might wanna stay on my couch tonight." Yoongi nods slowly and stands up with me. "What are you doing? I said couch." "Well, i just wanted to walk you to your bed and make sure you get there safely." He smiles and his gums show. Yep, he might be hammered. "Fine." He follows me as i walk to my bedroom, opening the door and turning around. "This is as far as you will go." We look at each other for a little bit before he kisses me. Just one small 2 second kiss, and my heart stopped. "Y-yoongi.." "You said not to ask, so, i didn't." He smiles softly, "Shut up." I say before i pull him in for another kiss, this one lasting way longer than the last. A little bit of toungue was involved as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away and laughed. "You're so cute." He said, his hands resting at my hips. "Goodnight Yoongi." His hands slipped off right before i shut my bedroom door and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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